3. The Dinner

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Me and Daisy arrive at Mildred Soho for brunch. I actually wanted to do some research about the band, but being inside the gallery kinda makes me nervous knowing I still have some work to do. I just needed a different vibe so I can think clearly. We order some food and I open my phone to google them. What the--

My jaw drop. They're big. Like superstar big. In fact, their concert this weekend will be held at the Wembley stadium. That's crazy! I keep on scrolling and open their youtube channel. Whoa, they have huge fans. Not only in Korea, like international fans. Even in my hometown, wait scratch that, even here in the UK! Apparently many fans have camped out just to wait for their appearance on some TV show. They too have appeared in the Billboard Music Awards and AMAs. Holy hell, where have I been? It's not that I lack knowledge in Korean music, I'm lacking knowledge of the global music industry. 

"Did you know they're this big?? scratch big, they're huge!" I give Daisy a look at my phone. Daisy nods, "Yeah, I told you before. It's crazy!" She replies while opening her laptop to continue her work. I scoff.

"Daisy, how could you be so relaxed? They are superstars! I can't compete with that! What if their fans hate me? Or worse, hate my work? It's written right here, it says that they have many obsessed fans. My reputation would be tarnished and I can't ever work again, no uh, nope absolutely not. I'm not doing this shit. This is too much for me to handle!" I overreact. Daisy gives me an annoyed look.

"Would you relax? It's not even a competition! You're collaborating with them and you heard it yourself, they might add another artist if needed. And they WON'T hate your work, they are smarter than that. If they see that you have no potential, they won't even bother talking to you about the project because their time is too precious to waste. Get yourself together, Girl! I'm working my ass to get you this." Daisy snaps and types furiously on her laptop. Ugh, I hate it when she's right, I'm just so freaking insecure I might screw it up.

"How did you get me this?" I ask but she ignores me.

"Ugh, Fine. But you gotta help me learn stuff about them too. Like now, would be the best time considering I'm having dinner with them tonight. Which you should join, by the way." Daisy doesn't answer. She kept typing and leaves me hanging. I think she wants me to learn by myself.

"Uuughh...." I whine and continue to do the research by myself on the phone. They have so many MVs and I don't know where to start. So I tap the one they did with Halsey because I know her. Huh, apparently they've done collaborations with US singers as well. This one is called 'Boy With Luv', I tap the video and watch it with a lower volume.

It's cute! I like the music too. The lyrics are so sweet. They're all so charming and I love the dance as well. Though it's still hard for me to tell the difference between who's who in the group dance, but I can recognize their face immediately on close-ups.

By then, Daisy faces her laptop to me. It's filled with general information about the members. Oh, so she wasn't ignoring me. I read the Infos as the waiter came by to serve our food on the table. The info is about their personal bio and their roles in the group. She even adds their achievements too which is a lot and I'm in awe.

"I think you need to learn this first because eventually, you can learn about their works through social media or straight from them." Says Daisy giving me a wink and I give her a blown kiss. "You're the best. You are coming to dinner tonight." I command.

"Yeah, about that.. I kinda already have plans with Derek. He says he wants to be with me tonight, knowing I'll be working and going to the concert with you on the weekend. He even plans something special, so I have to skip this one, honey I'm sorry." I frown and she continues. "You're gonna be fine, I'm sure. They seemed nice and decent." I sigh, Derek is Daisy's boyfriend, who's British and quite a catch.

"Oh, it's fine. I'm sure I can manage tonight. I mean it's just dinner. What could go wrong?"


Anything could go wrong. Daisy texted me that I should meet them at Tredwells. One of the fancy restaurants near the gallery. She mentioned that it will be private dining, of course. And I should wear something nice. After our brunch, we go back to the gallery to get some work done and finished by 4.30.

I followed the guy's advice to let my unfinished painting be. It's surprising how fast I can trust them, let alone take their advice.

I went straight home to have a nice hot shower, washed my hair, and scrub everywhere. This dinner is making me nervous. Now that I know who they are, it's making me want to try so hard to impress them. I look myself in the mirror and take a deep breath. I tell myself to relax and just freaking be myself. Well, minus the trouble. Ugh.

I blow-dry my hair, which I hate considering my hair is thick and long. It really takes a while to just dry them. Maybe it's the hairdryer. I let my straight black hair down, used the hair straightener so that it looked neat. Natural makeup should do the trick, no need to wear the hot red lipstick with the outfit I'm going to wear. I wore my lilac satin slip dress and white sneakers. Wearing a gold necklace that my mom gave me. I wanted to look classy but trendy. Putting on my outer, I left my apartment at 7.15.

It's 7

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It's 7.35 when I arrive at Tredwells. The waiter greets me and when I ask something about private dining, he immediately leads the way. The waiter takes my outerwear and puts it in the closet. Before he opens the door, I ask. "Are they already inside ?" He nods with a smile and proceeds but I stop him. "How do I look ?" I ask again, needing reassurance. He looks at me and smiles again. "Stunning, ma'am. Enjoy your evening." With that, he opens the door and finds that the boys are waiting.

I know this chapter is short and does not involve the guys, but keep reading to find out what happens at the dinner!

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