12. Signs

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"Tae, wake up!" Just how can he sleep so fast? He groans and opens his eyes.

"Who was that?" He asked, yawning.

"It's Younggi, your hyung gave me a visit. He's looking for you, now go!" He doesn't seem to listen. I pull him out of bed so he stands up. He stops me and pulls me into his hug.

"Tae--" I protest but he shushes me.

"Just stay here for a second, please?" He holds me in his arms. Sniffing my hair and hums.

"Hmm, I like your scent.." says him with his low and husky voice. My guards are down, melting in his embrace.
Once again, I'm enamored by his touch.

We break away and I take his hand as we walk to the front door. He kisses my forehead, then opens the door to find...


She's about to ring the bell when we open the door. Shocked to see our hands still held one another. I let go and Taeyong frowns. She hurriedly burst in before Taeyong gets out. Now there's three of us here.

"What do we have here, S?" she asks sharply. I open my mouth but Taeyong cuts in.

"I think I like Silver a lot more than I should." He adds raising his hand innocently. My face is burning. Daisy snorts.

"Yeah, I can see that. But what are you doing? What if others see this? or worse, your fans!" She scolds him.

"The guys won't mind, I know they like her too I can tell!"

"What?!" Me and Daisy shoot questioned looks.

"And the fans will never find out because we are not supposed to be seen in public with girls other than our staff." He continues.

"Wait, go back to the previous part about the guys," Daisy adds. Taeyong smirks.

"I know them too well." He deadpans.

"Yeah, and they know you too well too! I can tell that Younggi knows something's up with us." I put my hand on my head. I feeling dizzy from the frustration. First Younggi and now Daisy.

"Younggi knows? how ?" Daisy asks.

"He.. he was here when we're um.. occupied." Taeyong shoots a look at me. "Oh, you told her ?" he asks calmly. "Yes, Tae I cannot keep this to myself so I told Daisy, and Daisy, I hid Taeyong in my room... Me and Younggi talked and, you know what It's a long story! but I know that he knows alright?" I panic. Taeyong chuckles. I turn to him.

"What's so funny, Tae?" I annoyedly ask.

"Younggi hyung was here?" He asks then chuckles. "It's weird because he just never initiates conversation."

With that, we left everything dries. I let Taeyong out and face Daisy. She just stood there glaring at me.

"I don't wanna hear it.." I walk to my bedroom to get dressed. Daisy raised both of her hands.

"Didn't even say anything. Dinner should be fun." She says sarcastically.



Don't feel like I want to stand out tonight so just wore my oversized white T-shirt, blue ripped skinny jeans, and sneakers. I tie my hair up to a messy bun and just put on some lip tint. I and Daisy ring the bell and Jake opens the door, greeting us. The boy's apartment doesn't look that different compared to mine, only bigger. They just have different furnitures and decorations. I just realized that they're actually living together which kinda explains their proximity to each other.

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