10. Dessert

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It's 7.15 pm. Food's ready and we all gather up in the dining room. Jun and Younggi help us cook while others help make the table. The company even prepared the dining needs, which makes everything easier since I don't need to buy a new one.

"Well, dig in! We have an oxtail soup, a fried noodle made by Jun and the sweet and sour shrimp made by Younggi. You can get the rice from the cooker." I take over. And everyone starts getting their food.

"I don't know how will it taste, I've never cook anything other than Korean dish," Younggi adds.

"I'm sure it tastes good, I gave you the instructions didn't I?" I grin at him and he just nods.

The guys start to taste the food and they are more than pleased, confirming that it all tastes good.

"Wow! The soup is really delicious! It tasted similar with our beef soup." Jake adds and gets more rice immediately.

"I like the shrimp too! It's a bit spicy but really good!" Taeyong sweats a bit. I can tell he doesn't like spicy food because to me, the shrimp doesn't taste spicy at all.

"Everything tastes good, Silver. Even the eggs and side dish. Thank you so much!" Nick looked at me and Daisy and we both grin at him.

"I'm surprised that Indonesian food fits our tongue. I like the noodle too, hyung!" Jamie shoots a look at Jun "Although I thought it would be spicier." Jamie adds as he slurps the soup.

"Yeah, I thought so too." Jun nods at Jamie. Me and Daisy shared a little laugh.

"We thought you might say that and you're right, it should be spicier. So I think it's time to give you all a challenge now!" I go to the kitchen leaving everyone clueless. I take a jar of chili paste and walk back to the table.

"Here you go. I dare you guys." I put the paste jar on the table. "It's a traditional Indonesian chili paste, made with anchovies. Sambal terasi."

The guys shoot a look at each other and Jake is the first one who accept the challenge. I'm not surprised. He is known as the bravest member. He likes challenges.

"So should I dip it to the soup or eat it with rice?" He asks.

"It's up to you, but it's better to eat it with rice," Daisy says.

Jake opens the jar and sniffs at the chili and widens his eyes. "Whoa, it smells spicy!"

Me and Daisy chuckle. "Don't worry, that's just level three so it's not that spicy. If you can't handle it, it's fine.. don't force yourself." I challenge him and he smirks at me. He takes a spoon and scoops the paste to put it on top of the rice. Other guys are just as curious as me, but they don't wanna take the risk.

He mix the rice with the paste like how they did with bibimbap, takes one shrimp and take one mouthful of spoon. He chews then nodding his head, looking at each member, and swallows.

"It's so.. good!" He says, eyes brighter than the stars. Me and Daisy did a hooray wave, cause it is that good.

"Hyung, try it! it's not that spicy." He adds, offering to other members except for Taeyong. He informs me that he can't have too much spicy food. Other guys try the paste and nodding their heads in agreement.

With that, the boys ate all the food that we made and they even wash the dishes willingly. Daisy informs me that she should go back to the hotel and rest. Me and the guys said our goodbyes as she left.

While the guys did some cleaning, I reach my new ukulele and sits on the sofa. Tuning it through some tutorial on youtube. The wifi has pretty strong connection.

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