27. Birthday

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It's been a month since my first day in Seoul. I didn't realize that it's already August 19th, my birthday. It amused me how time flies, I've been having a blast between working and spending time with the boys.

Ever since the day that I went out with Jun to the museum, I've been focusing on the work and sometimes had meetings with them, work-related. I haven't gotten a chance to spend more time with them than it already was and they respected me for that. They like that I put my heart out on the project so much.

But today is my birthday and they probably don't know, but I'm hoping I could spend some time with them.

It's 6 am in the morning, surprised I'm awake this early. Probably because last night I went to bed at 9, exhausted from the night before when I stayed up all night working.

I reach my phone to scroll the notifications and found a bunch of text messages from Daisy. I figured it's still around 10pm in London. She sent a voice note of her singing Happy Birthday, along with a long message of how much she misses me and sent a picture of her and Derek. She mentioned that we should facetime soon. I text her to inform that I'm awake and my phone rings, showing a facetime in call from her.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOVE! I miss you so much!" She screamed in her bed beside Derek.

"Aw thanks, love. I've missed you too. It's lonely without you here." I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

"What time is it there? How are you? And how's the work?" She asks eagerly.

"It's.. 6.09 now. I'm good, Daisy. I'm focusing on the work lately, it's been great."

"That's good! How are the boys?" She asked. I haven't told her about all the things happening with the boys here.

"We're being friendly to each other, I guess." She furrows her brows, knowing something is up.


"Uh.. meaning that we might have some unconventional situation but we're being cool about it." That's all I've managed to say.

"WHAT??" She yells and Derek is curious too. So I have no choice but to spill the tea. Including my incident in the studio with Younggi.

We talked for about 45 mins, mostly listening to Daisy lecturing about consequences including safe sex. All the things that comes into my mind, of course. I just listen to her just to make her feel better. Derek too gave me some advices about my mental health, which is something that I already know.

"Yeah, I get it.. It's not something that haven't crossed my mind. But thanks for the concern."

"I don't know what to say, S. Just be careful okay? I know I'm not around but please if something happens, you let me know okay?" She adds looking really concern.

"Okay.." I whisper.

"And S.. Have a great birthday, will you?"

"I will."

"Love you!"

"Love you too, D."

We hang up. Moments later, my mom, my birth Indonesian mom, called and I had a chat with her too. She said that she's planning to visit me in Korea soon. I agree and hopefully she'll come in February, at the exhibition week.



It's 8am and I'm wondering if the boys are up. It's Monday, I figured they'd be busy but I was hoping I could steal their time for a bit. So I text the group chat.

Silver:  Morning, guys! Are you up or already left for work?

Nick: Morning! We're about to have breakfast. Come!

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