28. Starry Night

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We're gathering in the living room eating our dinner. Hosung set up a playlist to enlighten the mood. The food is really good, It's a takeout but it tasted delicious.

They ordered some noodle dish and Jun cooked a seaweed soup, Miyeok Guk. They said it's a Korean tradition for birthdays to eat seaweed soup and noodle dish.

"The soup is delicious, Jun. Thank you!" I beamed at Jun whose lips are swollen from of the spicy noodle.

"No worries, It's easy to make!"

"I'm still curious of why you didn't tell us it's your birthday today ?" Taeyong asks as he feeds me the noodle

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"I'm still curious of why you didn't tell us it's your birthday today ?" Taeyong asks as he feeds me the noodle.

"I was this morning, but seeing you guys all dressed up and ready to work makes me think that I shouldn't."

"Why ?" Hosung asks.

"Well.. because I don't want to make you guys feel bad for not being there. So I thought it didn't really matter." I explain. They are frowning, but I quickly adds, "But this was lovely, thank you so much for making my day. I feel complete now." I beams at them and their expressions changed to a smile, although Jamie who sat next to me suddenly hugs me.

"Oh! What is it, Jamie ?" I stroke his hair.

"I'm just sad that you had to spend all day alone." He then let go.

"Jamie, I like being alone sometimes. I really like traveling alone. Everywhere, just walk, taking a public transportation and just get lost by myself. I was happy, you don't have to be sad about it."

Others shared the same expressions as Jamie, not buying my words.

"Look, I mean it. I enjoy solitude. I'm kinda a loner, so not having many friends or being alone doesn't bother me." I said as Jamie lets go.

"But still.. I wanted to be there for you. We wanted to be there for you."

"You are here for me, right now." I cup his cheek and he smiles.

"So where did you go today ?" Jake asks.

"I went to both castles that I mentioned earlier, then I went to Myeong-dong for some shopping and went to N Seoul Tower for sightseeing. It was nice."

"Ooh, what did you buy ?" Hosung asks.

"Just some clothes and skin care. They really have lots of skin care in here!"

"Were people mean to you ?" Taeyong asks.

"No, although there were some people staring at me. I tried to smile but they look away. It's no biggie."

"Don't do that again, if that happens just walk away from them!" Jake adds.

"Okay.. I will. It's not like they'd attack me for smiling, right ?" Says me chuckling to Jake. He shakes his head.

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