29. Sarcasm

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I wake up in the morning feeling numb. Yesterday was almost perfect, the tour, the dinner, the stars... the kiss.

That kiss was supposed to be perfect. It was all I wanted. Someone who knows how to listen and who knows my story, someone who knows how to make me feel better and understands me. But it was all shattered in pieces when he pulls away. When he decided not to touch me.
I can't blame him. He knows that it's gonna end eventually and I guess he was just being smart about it. But still, it feels like waking up from a beautiful dream. It hurts because it's not gonna happen.

I try my best not to let that get to me because I still have three beautiful men who simply adores me and probably the other three who does as well. It's more than I could ask for, really. I know I can't have it all so I should maintain a good relationship with him and respect his decision. Just think of it as a mistake instead of romanticizing the moment. Yep, I have to be rational.

I took a jog moments later to clear my head. I refuse to mop around and try to motivate myself to do better for my own sake. After about 45 minutes, I rush back to the apartment for breakfast when I suddenly ran into a person near the entrance.

Panic starts to build up to see that It was Younggi whom I bumped into. He's taking out the trash and startled by our bump.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't see you there.." I gesture my hands.

"It's okay." He shrugs. We stood there in silence. Looking anywhere but his eyes.

"O..okay then." I turn away.

"Listen, about last night--"

"There's nothing to worry about. I.. respect your decision. Probably it's the wisest thing to do." I cut him off. Tried to sound genuine, but it came out sarcastic instead. What is wrong with me ?

"Oh.. I guess." He blinks for a second but turns back to that normal and cold being.

"Right.." I shrugs.

"Right." He shrugs.

An awkward silence fills the space.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you around ?" I let out a breath, forcing a smile when I'm crying internally.

"See ya around." He plainly says.

Yikes! It's easier said than done. How can I face this when I obviously haven't gotten over last night ? Clearly I still have some unresolved feelings for him, yet I'm too afraid to even be around him.

 How can I face this when I obviously haven't gotten over last night ? Clearly I still have some unresolved feelings for him, yet I'm too afraid to even be around him

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I gave my extra key to the boys in case there's an emergency or so that I don't have to run and open the door. I'm in the living room after the jog and tries to cool down by doing yoga from some video on youtube. The door's open to someone's entrance.

"Hey, S! It's Nick. You home ?"

"Hey, Nick! I'm over here." Moments later, Nick pops out his head to the living room. Startled to see my position, stretching my body up to a headstand. I'm only wearing my sport bra and a legging.

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