46. Baby

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We make out for it feels like forever when Jake pulls away and decided to stop. Face flushed, breathing heavily. I look to his eyes to search for a reasonably. I see guilt and worriedness in those warm chocolate eyes.

"Jake, are you okay?"

"We.. I think we should stop for now. I doesn't feel right, I need to end it with Ayeong first."

"Oh, okay.. I'm sorry." Says me, immediately sitting up.

"No, no, don't be.. I mean, I kissed you first. It's not your fault. Can we just.. lie in here, just talk or watch a movie or something?" Says him, taking my wrist and pulling me back to lie in bed.

"Okay.." I smile at him.

So we lie in bed side to side, facing each other having a pillow talk. We pour our feelings to each other, talking about what we never talk about. How I felt when I first saw Ayeong and how jealous I was whenever he was gone to her place.

How he felt guilty of leaving me hanging all this time but he always thought of me. Sending Jamie and Taeyong messages to take care of me.

"When I saw you bought my painting and place it in the company, I was so happy.. I feel really appreciated and fully supported by you. I thought to myself that I must stick with you even if.." I sheepishly said, can't seem to continue.

"I love how you pour your heart into your work.. you remind me of myself. That's why I did all those things."

"Yeah? in what way?" Asks me, intrigued.

"Hmm, I guess I can see how much you wanted to prove yourself. And I can feel that you want everything right, but.. I don't think you're a perfectionist. You just wanted to give your all to have the best result, perfect or not." He answers.

I smiles, "And.. you're like that too?"

"Yes.. I guess. Well, I just don't wanna let anyone down to be honest. On every concert we had or even in our daily life, I give my all because I can. I just wanna give my best and help those who needs me." He paused. "I guess I.. wanted to be useful for everyone. Be everything that people need." He sheepishly answer. His eyes shines, full of constellations.

Falling for those eyes, I instantly give him a peck on his lips and just to make him smile.

He's surprised by the sudden encounter and grins like a school boy. The look that I adore so much.

"You're a perfectionist and you yourself is a pure perfection." I state.

His brow rises from the compliment as I continue, "Haha, don't get too cocky. I mean, you don't have to be what everyone needs. Sometimes it's okay to just be you and it's okay to think about yourself. Do what makes you happy, J. You've done and give more than you know." Says me, holding him closer.

He chuckles, "I am doing that. Right now I'm being selfish with you." He replies.

"Is that so?"

Before he even answer, I tickle him right on his waist. Making him laugh so hard because he couldn't handle it. I just love being playful around him.

"Stop it! Hahaha, I can't, S! That's too ticklish!"

"Okay, okay.. sorry. I'm just happy." Says me. Smiling fondly to him.

"Me too." He smiles back at me.

He lets out a soft hum, the sound that I love listening to as he brushes my hair. The sound that up until now I had the chance to really listen and cherish it.



The following day is filled with everyone hustling from morning to night. It's tech day and the boys need to do sound check, blockings, as well as rehearsing. They already left early in the morning and invited me to come to the venue for moral support. About 11 am, I left the hotel and go straight to the venue with Yunseok. Since the weather is simply hot outside, I've decided to wear my favorite sleeveless white jumpsuit along with black flats.

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