61. Dream

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I'm pacing around in the living room, anxious and terrified. All the boys gather in the living room when they heard the news. The tension is high and Hosung never looks so guilty before, it's like he's punishing himself internally. 

Daisy called and texted several times but I ignored it. From what I've heard, the comments section goes wild. The point is, everyone knows I'm very close to Hosung and of course, the fans hate it. People who did stand up for us are minorities. Daisy informed me that there are even death threats towards me. I can't even describe how I'm feeling right now after hearing it.

"Why don't you sit down and relax for a while, I'll make you some tea," Jun suggests, gently takes my wrist.

"Here, sit next to me." Jamie scoots over to give me space. So I sit next to him and he welcomes me with his arms, calming me down in his embrace.

After several moments of silence, Hosung looks at me, "Silver, I'm so sorry. I caused all of this. I should've been more careful." He paused and suddenly stands up, "Damn it! why did I have to be so reckless?!" He curses himself and everyone is taken aback by his anger.

The leader then calms him down, pulling him back to his seat, "Look, you didn't do anything wrong. It's okay, Hosung-ah.. stop beating yourself like that." He calmly says.

"I messed up, Nick-ah! I put Silver in danger now when the point in having this road trip is to keep this as low-key as we can. I messed up!"

"Yeah, but there's no point in blaming yourself. What we need to think about is how to deal with this." Younggi finally speaks.

"Those people aren't our real fans, hyung. Our real fans will stand up for us." Taeyong adds as Jamie and Jake nods agreeing.

"Hosung-ah, I dropped our photos, remember? I made a mistake too, it's okay." I look into his eyes and his expression softens.

"I'm sorry..." He sheepishly says.

"I'm sorry too," I respond.

Jun brings me a cup of tea and I thank him for being such a sweetheart. He also brings snacks and beers to the coffee table for his brothers.

"Did.. your managers or the company reach you out for this?" I ask them.

Nick turns to me, "They did and they won't take action for this because it will make everything worse."

"I see... so what now? Do we continue this road trip, or do you need to go home?" I ask again, looking at all of them.

"I guess there's nothing to do and it's no use to go home either. We'll just have to be really careful next time." Nick says.

"How's your date? Is there anything suspicious while you're out?" Younggi asks Jun.

Jun shakes his head, "No, we're okay. Nothing happened on our date."

"Should we... move to another place? I don't know, I have a bad feeling if we keep on staying here in Antwerp.." I sheepishly say.

"Yeah, maybe we should head up to Amsterdam next morning. It would be smarter if we act fast." Jun responds, holding my hand as he sits on the arm sofa.

"But will you be okay with driving again?" Jake asks.

"It's okay, I can handle it. It's only a two-hour drive."

"Then it's settled. Let's just remind each other to be more careful next time." Nick replies.

Everyone else nods and we decided to call it a night. Nick suggests I should get enough sleep for tomorrow.

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