35. Crashed

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Ayeong stares at me as I appear to the living room. Other boys are just around the area and the atmosphere suddenly changes. It's intense. Jake approaches me to introduce her immediately.

"Silver, this is--"

"I'm Ayeong." She stands up and give her hand to me. Her english sounds fluent.

"I'm Silver, pleasure to meet you." I shake her hand, there's a certain intensity from her aura that I noticed quickly.

She doesn't like my presence here with them. She wants me gone.

"You're the famous painter." She adds. Huh she's heard of me.

"Oh, yes I am, I'm flattered that you heard of me. Are you in a girl band? I think I recognized you from somewhere." I politely ask, pretending that I don't know.

"A member from C.A.K.E." She coldly answered.

"Right, the new girl band? So nice to meet you here!" I adds. Giving her my friendliest smile yet she doesn't smiled back.

"You're a friend of Jake?" I casually ask.

"Kind of.." She smirks at me. Telling me that she's more than that. She looks at my outfits, scanning and judging me from head to toe which is rude. I fold my arms around me. Annoyed already.

"You.. live here?"

"Uh, my unit is just right around the corner." I said calmly even I'm annoyed. There's no use to lie either.

"Huh.. how come?"

"Excuse me?" I blinked.

"How come you can live near the boys?" I can feel a bit of jealousy in her tone. Jake is about to answer but I beat him to it.

"I don't see that's any of your concern, but the company chose it for me." I calmly said, strictly giving the image that I'm a professional.

She just scoffs at me. I'm guessing she's a few years younger than me judging from her attitude. Either that or she really needs an attitude makeover. She's just so jealous and clearly wanted to intimidate me but I'm not taking the bait.

"Well.. I am not here to interfere or anything, I'm actually here to see Nick for work, so.. Pleasure to meet you Ayeong." I pat her shoulder and turn to Nick. "Nick, shall we ?"

"Let's talk on the balcony." He said. I notice Jake still watching me but I have no intentions of getting in between them. I follow Nick to the balcony.

He closed the balcony door as I got out. We stood there, watching the city view in silence. I wanted to apologize to Nick and tell him that I finished a painting. Hoping to show it to him, yet my mind is still swimming in the living room.

"That was intense.." He adds.

"It's fine.." I scoffs. "It seems like the universe is making a joke on me these days."

"She's no good for Jake and he knows it." He adds.

"I have no intentions to meddle in between.." I whisper, looking down. Disappointed. How could Jake do this to me? I know I made a mistake, but he's the one who wanted me to be with them all. Is he over me? After just one mistake?

"So what's up, S?" Nick asks, breaking the silent. I turn to him. Right, I'm talking to Nick right now. It's not fair if I'm still thinking about Jake and his ex.

"Look, I actually came here to apologize. I realized I was being selfish. I didn't think about your feelings and I really don't mean what I said." I turn to him.

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