38. Love-Cinta-Sarang

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1 month before their concert to Riyadh, the boys have been busy with rehearsals while I'm busy painting. I barely see them unless one of them sleeps at my place. Taeyong, Hosung and Nick spends the night here sometimes and honestly, I miss the rest of them.

I miss Jun, Younggi, Jamie and Jake. Well, me and Jake didn't really progress and I figured he's still with Ayeong, whatever their status is; They're all over the social media. I no longer become a topic since Jake and Ayeong are rumored together. The company didn't release anything about it, so it still remained questioned to the fans.

There are some fans who ships them and there are some who aren't. Apparently and unfairly, Ayeong is lucky enough to not have to be chased or attacked by sasaengs. True, it is different when both of them are idols. They become untouchable.

It's 10pm and I don't wanna be alone tonight. So I texted someone whom I wanted to be with.

Silver : Hi baby, are you home?

Jun : Hi, love. I'm home. I just got out of shower.

Silver : Are you tired?

Jun : No, not really. Why?

Silver : I miss you.. Can I come over?

Jun : Of course, come! 🤗

With that I go to his place with my PJ's on.

I ring the bell and Jamie appears on the front door.

"Hi, baby! What brings you here?" He kissed my cheek as I come inside.

"Um, I wanted to see Jun. Is he around?"

"Oh, I guess he's in his room." He paused. "You.. don't want to see me?" He pouts. Aw..

"Baby, of course I do. Why don't you come to my place tomorrow night after practice?" I pull him to a hug, looking at him.

"We have a meeting tomorrow. Did you forget our meeting?" He mentioned about our project meeting tomorrow morning.

"Oh right! I forgot. Do you have practice after that?" I asks.

"Nope, we just have our meeting and then another meeting for the concert."

"Great, maybe after that we could um.. do stuff together. Have romantic dinner and.. dessert?" I tease. Squeezing his toned arms. He bites his lower lips and stole a kiss.

"Okay, it's a date." He says.

"My place, 8 o'clock." He nods and gave me a deeper kiss one more time.

"Oooh, Jamie-ah.. get a room Jamie-ah.." Says Hosung, passing by with a mug on his hand. Giving me a wink before he goes to his room.
Jamie and I chuckles, with that I walk to Jun's room.

I knock on his room and heard him approve, so I open the door. I just realized this is the first time I went to his room. Hell, I never went to anyone's room before. Jun's room is neat. There's a computer desk, a bookshelf, a big PC, a double sized bed, and a big closet filled with expensive clothes. It's spacious yet he actually has a lot of stuff.

"Hey, you.." Jun greets me with a warm hug.

"Hi.. I missed you."

"You do?"

"No, I lied." I tease. He chuckles. "Of course I do. My Junnie is so busy that I miss his hugs. How come you never come to my place?" I pout, looking up to him.

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