7. The Concert

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It's a big day for me and the boys. I planned everything well from my speech, my outfit for both events as well as my video camera for tonight's concert. Somehow I'm more excited about the concert than my own exhibition. Huh.

After breakfast, I take a cold shower and do my hair and makeup. Since the opening would be on day time, I go for a natural sleek look. I let my hair down and wear my champagne striped satin shirt with black pants. It goes with my creme heels and black purse. At 11 am I'm off to the gallery.

I arrive at the gallery at 11.30 am and find Daisy is busy in front of her laptop. The exhibition starts at 1 pm and she's preparing the fixed invitation list to the front desk. I walk around the gallery to check my work by order and starting to feel a bit nervous. So I pace around the room anxiously until Ben passing by.

"Hey! It's your big day, how do you feel?" He asks and gives me a hug.

"Honestly? I feel like I'm gonna throw up. I'm worried something would go wrong. It's my first solo exhibition, anything could go wrong. The critics, the interview, ugh.. now I have a headache." I'm rubbing my head and Ben frowns.

"Oh, don't worry, everything will turn out great, S. You just need to breathe and clear your head a little. Come here." Ben gestures me to follow his lead.

We're heading to the rooftop and I can feel the fresh air brushing my cheeks. He's right. Everything will be fine.

"Now I want you to close your eyes and empty your mind." Ben commands. I scoff but do what he says.

"Now I want you to think that everything is in order and you know what you're capable of."

I'm thinking about the days that I struggle with my work. Those ups and downs days. Now I reached this point and feeling a little bit good about myself. I am capable. I can handle this. I know it. I think..

"And after that, you'll nail the interviews even the shitty ones. You'll handle them with poise. You'll prove to them that you are worth more, you hear me?"

I am worth it damn it. Not sure about the poise thing though. Ugh.

"Now open your eyes." Ben says.

I open my eyes and I do feel better. I smiled to Ben and thank him. He's always been like a big brother to me. I can do this.



People has starting to arrive to the gallery. There are some of my friends from Uni and other acquaintance came to support. I greet them cheerfully, few of them give me flowers. Daisy's busy chatting with someone whom I guess is a collector. She's always hustling.

As I greet other guests, I see a delivery guy comes in with a huge bouquet of purple roses. One of the staff received it and put them in meeting room, along with other flowers from my colleagues. I wonder who is it from? Either way, I don't have time to think about that now. I move on to mingle with more people.

Daisy signals me that I have to be ready for the opening speech. My stomach's getting uneasy, I take a deep breath and go to the front and take the microphone.

I clear my throat and try to calm myself. I can do this.

"Afternoon, everyone. Thank you for coming to the opening of my first solo exhibition, "Train//thoughts." Let me introduce myself first. My name is Silver and I'm the receiver of the Empowering Young Female Artist grant 2019. Before I came to London, I was just a young girl who loves to paint. I'm not very good at other subjects at school, I just know that I wanna paint or create something with colors. I still remember the day that I got accepted at Camberwell College of Arts because it was one of the best days of my life.

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