59. Three

978 52 11


It's an all-smut chapter. If you don't like reading smut, feel free to continue to the next chapter. There's no continuity from this.

You've been warned!

Look how cute they are :')--------------------------------------------

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Look how cute they are :')

It's almost dawn and it's raining hard but someone's voice wakes me up. It sounds like someone's whimpering from bad dreams. I try to open my heavy eyes but my vision is still blurry. One thing for sure, I recognize his smell anywhere.


He's sweating, fidgeting. Now I'm positive that he's having a nightmare.

I wake him up, shaking his shoulder gently, "Tae? Wake up, baby.."

He then opens his eyes and immediately looks up at me.


"Tae, are you having a bad dream?"

He nods his head, eyes are watery from tears then he holds me. His face hides in my neck as I can feel the water touches my skin.

"It's okay, baby... I'm here." I coo him.

"You were gone... in my dreams, you were gone. You left me and others, I.."

"It's just a dream, baby. I'm not leaving you..."

After a moment, he pulls away and facing me. He cups my cheek and reads my face, "It felt so real... But I'm glad you're here."

I kiss his palm and gives him my warmest smile, "It's over now, you can go back to sleep."

His eyes then travel to my body before coming back to my eyes, "I don't want to sleep anymore."

I look to my body and to his to really acknowledge what we're wearing. Me only in my black undergarments and him with only his boxers on.

"Tae, why am I only in my undies?" I ask.

He smirks, "You took it off on your own. And you insist I took off mine too."

Taeyong then pulls me closer to kiss my neck teasingly. Sending shivers all over my body, turning me on. I let out a small moan when his hands tracing my stomach and up to my breasts. He then starts to kiss my lips softly. I can feel his big hardness against my skin and it's making me way more excited.

"Tae..." I whisper his name.

"I want you." His hand goes down and slips to my panties. I can feel already wet as he plays with my nub.

I moan and as I spread my legs wider to give him more access, I realized we're not alone.

To my surprise, my leg bumps into another person that's not Tae's. I quickly turn around only to find Jake, who'd turn out to be wide awake, watching us.

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