25. Unconventional Love

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Waking up in Taeyong's arms felt so good, I could stay in here forever. My mind's still lingering from last night. We didn't make love or anything, but it feels so perfect. I'm recalling the feeling of his touch on my skin, the way he kisses and holds me. It still got me crazy, I'm high up in the sky.

I look at Taeyong's sleeping face, studying his features up close. I realized that he has this cute small mole on his nose and his left cheek. I chuckle once I've spotted them, realizing what a beautiful man he is. As I'm getting more drawn to him, I play with his hair softly. Trying not to wake him up. He looks so innocent when he sleeps.

Out of nowhere and unprepared, the door's suddenly opening and a tall figure comes in my frame.

"Taeyong-ah, wake up--" Jun comes in and immediately stops. I yelp in response, covering myself as he's surprised to see me half naked under the covers with Taeyong's arms wrapped around me. An awkward silence falls in as we're both making eye contact.

"WHOA, I'M SORRY!!" He yells as soon as he realizes it was me. Quickly storming out and slams the door, causing Taeyong awake from his slumber.

"Oh god, oh my god.. shit!" I whimper to myself, utterly embarrassed, covering my face with the sheets.

"Wha-what was that?" Taeyong murmurs. I'm still in shock of what happened earlier, but try to remain calm.

"Um.. apparently, Jun was trying to wake you up but he saw me. I guess he was shocked?" I peek at him from the sheet, he's still half awake.

"Oh..." He says, unsure what to do. He opens his eyes and stares at me who's still hiding. He chuckles and pulls me to his arms.

"Morning, beautiful." He murmurs.

"Um.. Good morning to you too.. but what should I do now, Tae? I'm so embarrassed!" I look at him desperately.

"Nothing, just be casual. He already saw you. There's no point of hiding it.."


"You can hide in my room until they leave if you want.." he paused. "So I can keep you longer." He grins at me.

As much as I want to do that, I know that I can't hide forever. I need to face this and it's better to face it now than later.

I roll away and he pulls me back.

"Where are you going?" He pouts.

"Facing this, baby." I paused. "Last night was amazing." I kiss his forehead. He chuckles.

"It was for me too." He stole a kiss from me. Not letting me go that easily.

"Go back to sleep, I need to go to my place anyway." Says me as I get dressed. He nods as he drift away shortly.

I open the door nervously. Scared what I might face behind this door. Will they be mad at me? resent me? confront me? I'm reading too much into this.

I walk outside the room to see most of the guys who are in the dining room. All of them are there except Taeyong and Jamie. They all turn to me, looking at me in awkward silence.

"Morning.." I sheepishly say. They're all quiet. Oh god, kill me now.

"Morning!" Nick breaks the ice, along with others at the same time. Ignoring the awkwardness. But we went silent again after.

"So.. " I paused. "I.. guess I'll get going now. See ya later." Says me while walking to the front door.

"Wait!" Nick calls out. I stop.

"Have breakfast with us." He offers. Others nods.

"Uh.. Really?" I'm confused. Doesn't that makes things even awkward?

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