The Nipton Invasion (Fixed/Expanded)

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The US Army, though some difficulty, had downgraded a Brigade armed. The Anomaly, now dubbed "The Gate", would destroy most modern vehicles's navigation and satellite based systems, so they had to remove the GPS, and various other objects, and install short wave radios. The Anomaly had lost it's light, of the area, showing a dark void, but was contained by a ring of light.

Walking to the front of the formation, the assigned officer to lead the mission cleared his throat. 

"Men, we are about to cross into a world we know little about. Scouting reports place us in the desert, a destroyed town. Our job will be to clear the area of threats, and build a base up. Company 1, will clear the surrounding area, Company 2, will check buildings, Company 3 will bring in the support vehicles. Company 4 and 5 will be support. Once the first Battalion clears the area, Battalion 2 and 3 will move in with equipment." The commanding officer, a General Rothchild said, saluting to the soldiers.

The soldiers gave a returning salute, before they began their march through the gate. The march transition was fast, going from a hot but windy area, to just  a hot and still area. The soldiers cleared the surrounding area, the banners that were reported were gone. Moving further out it was clear who ever was here, had left.

The area was clear of hostiles, the fires still burned, but were more like embers now, but the area was clear. The first company cleared the area, seeing that the majority of buildings were empty from peaking through windows. As they soldiers moved, some climbed the posts and cut the men tied to them down, seeing some had "NCRCF" on their back, others had dynamite on them. They were all found dead, no ID's so they were all "John Does". Placed on the side walk, they would be bagged and examined later, once the area was swept through.

As they approached one building, they looked inside, seeing a trapped. Stepping inside, there was a large cage, and looking inside, were dog sized scorpions. The soldier shot them, killing then. Approaching the kitchen, they saw a shotgun trap, connected to a trip wire. 

The wire was cut, and the trap disarmed. They found small land mines that were disarmed, by clearing the building, and firing a .50 call round at it. The next house was cleared, and a robot was inside, hovering on a jet.

"Kill them all!" the robot said, before it was shot repeatedly, until it fell to the ground, busted and destroyed.

They searched the outer edge of the town, before the door was opened, and they found 4 men, in uniforms, all dead. Nearing a tall building on the main road they found a store like building, with a body, and a knife near the chair he was seated in.

"Looks like there's only 1 place left. Take it slow." the soldiers said, as they stacked up on the door. The door was opened into a large hall. The soldiers moved slow, they found bodies, looked like attacked by dogs. Suddenly they heard a growl, and a dog ran at a soldier. It was shot and fell to the ground. Moving through the building, they climbed the steps to the next floor, and shot two more dogs. They reached the last room, and found it clear.

"Head across the gate, tell them the area is clear, this is gonna be a rough situation." the sergent said.

"I think we got another thing to deal with." a man said.

They walked to the edge of the town, and looked at a sign.

"Nipton, CA."

All the bodies were gathered, a total of 16 bodies, 13 John Does, 3 Jan Does, and a lot of questions. The equipment was brought in, and first thing to be done was the the buildings were to be emptied of any objects, before they were tactically imploded.

The rusty vehicles were pulled away, far from the town, clear lines of sight incase of danger.  The trailers in the area were pushed away to form a simple set shelters for temporary use. There were posts set up around the area, with Geiger counters connected to them, just to be safe. Some prebuilt structures were brought in, with generators as well. They were set up in a line that would serve as the barracks for most. The town hall was made into the command and supply hub. 

Rothchild came in, and would set up on the third floor. The Base was very simple, first was the supply storage area, and have some workbenches that were there, mostly maintenance supplies. The second floor was the cafeteria, kitchen and the logistics offices. Third floor was command.

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