The Volcunite Plot

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Pompey was in his tent, having been able to maintain his close ear, however....there was a minor issue...Namely Lucius. Caesar trusted the Praetorian more than himself, making the occasions that Lucius modified the plans Pompey had, they would be modified.

Pompey wondered.....maybe he could....remove the didn't have any soldier who may be strong enough to defeat him in unarmed combat. There were other options.....outsiders....or "Possible outsiders" The Khans have been.....difficult in recent weeks, and Papa Khan is still set out on dying in battle.....maybe he could use this to...provoke a fight, or maybe lure Lucius out into a fight with the Khans, only for a sniper to take him out.

He shook his was improbable...Maybe the, the balance of power is unstable with them. Raids have failed, the cove is the only current foothold left. The situation is hard, so how could he...unbalance the power in the legion, especially with the Legate coming this way now. He was more loyal to Caesar than even Lucius.

Pompey stroked his chin in thought as his eyebrows shot up and remembered the 'spare' books he brought with him, looking up to make sure no one was within his tent or even spying in his tent, Pompey went to his trunk and soon pulled out the books on the Roman Civil-war, while yes this would hurt the legion, in Pompey's mind Ceasar was already doing it with his need for constant conquest and enslavement, so while yes a civil war would hurt the legion in the short term, the long term could be thought out and planned.

Pompey would need some legitimacy in his claim, a mentor, Octavian, though the one the Legion portion of the Legion supports most....he was too hot-headed, he was too short-tempered, taking actions based on flights of interest, but a Luddite in every sense of the term.

Brutus, shot too high too fast, he was the one who pushed Caesar to have Launius focus on the East, now....they were too spread out to be like the Rome they wanted to be. They fought with hammers and spears, instead of scalpels and needles, breaking the heavily fortified lines with waves, they needed to advance, adapt, and take what works from the enemy, not with tradition.

Alexander.....the youngest. He was calm, stoic, often needing to consult others, a perfect puppet, or student, he could be a good leader. He however was the furthest away.....or....maybe they could be brought here, something would have to happen. Something to Caesar.

He grinned a bit, maybe he could get the children here, say....a poisoning that leaves Caesar in a weakened state. That would do....most defiantly. But now...that left one question. Where does the poison come from?

Pompey after reading the book locked it back in his trunk for safekeeping as he then went to the map of the region and looked at the 'claimed' territory of the legion. 'What to do, what to do, how to weaken the legion so I can take control with my pup. I mean with my student to help push towards a more peaceful future.' Pompey thought as he looked at the map before something hit him. Cottonwood Cove.

Now aside from it being a major vein of imports coming from the Mojave in the form of traders, treasures, and of course slaves. It was also a military outpost for deployments and with the recent 'mishap' that was Camp Searchlight, Pompey had to pat himself on the back because that operation lead to more than a few 'traitors of caeser' being executed and more of his people being put in their place.

He recalled the fact, that the containers that were used at Searchlight, were found on the lookout....above cottonwood cove. He grinned. Maybe have a slave....or do such a thing. One who escaped just by pure chance from the cove went too far away, the legion guards were killed, or maybe just got drunk on duty. It would be perfect, and....ironic.

Of course, Pompey's more logical side made him shake his head, 'Cottonwood Cove is too good a site for trade...however, the radio from the US military did say that they were looking for those who conducted the attack. what if?' Soon as Pompey finished the thought his smile from before turned into a savage grin, one of someone who just came up with a perfect plan, one that would instill even more power into their position.

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