Questioning: Common folk, House, NCR and Legion

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William Meyers was lead into a simple room, with 5 people around a curved table, with one table just outside of the curve, centered at the point where the 5 people were seated. Meyers walked to the table, pulled the chair back and sat down, before pulling it forward.

One of the men looked at Meyers and asked "Sir, for the record; could you please state your name into the microphone in front of you." and point at the Microphone in front of him on the table.

Meyers cleared his throat as he spoke clearly as he could into the microphone connected to the recording device. "William R. Meyers, Former New California Sheriff." He knew how these went, be clear as you can be and didn't stutter. 

"In your own words, can you explain who you are representing today at these hearings?" one of the interviewers asked.

Meyers nods as he answers, "Well, in a way i represent the common folk." This got a curious Interviewer 3 to ask, "Could you elaborate?" Meyers does so as he adds, "What i mean by common folk, i mean the people just trying to survive day to day out in the wasteland. If it isnt the roving raider gangs, its the mutants. So most folk just band together in pop up towns or even in the pre war towns and cities to try and make a living as best they can, so if you mind me asking you fine folks. If anything is to come from these hearings, i hope its help for those who travel the waste trying to find a place to call home."

"You spoke about gangs and "mutants", do you think you can describe the current situation in the Region known as the Mojave" the second interviewer asked.

Meyers nods as he answers. "Pretty bad, If it isn't the Legion and NCR fighting. Then its the drug pushers known as the Fiends near New Vegas, food shortage is also an issue, along with any source of clean water. All and all its a lawless land unless you go to the bigger settlements of Primm or New Vegas and even then that's IF the people are there to help keep order." He informs the hearing committee.

"You said that the NCR and the Legion are fighting, could you elaborate on that more please" the third interviewer asked.

"The NCR, or New California Republic, came into the area, roughly 5 years ago, give or take 2 or 3 months, and found the Hoover Dam. It was about the some time after, maybe a month after the discovery, when the war broke out. The NCR fought a battle over Hoover Dam with the Legion, from what I heard, they blew a town up with a lot of Soldiers and Legion trapped inside. But yeah, the Legion and NCR have been fighting in skirmishes basically for the last few years, that's just what I know from over heard chatter when I was in the Correction Facility." Meyers explained.

"Can you explain what you meant by in the Correctional Facility" the first interviewer asked.

"I was in prison, in the New Californian Republic Correctional Facility, I broke the law, and was found guilty. I was sent there roughly 3 years ago, and worked on the rail road. I didn't take part in the break out, nor did I leave, I planned to serve my sentence there. My crime was taking the law into my own hands, and taking care of criminals without trial." Meyers explained to the committee, looking down as he brought up the reason of why.

"Moving away from this Mr. Meyers, what can we do to help the common people in the Mojave." the second interviewer asked.

"I believe the best that can be done is providing food, things that can be preserved or stored for long periods of time. Next seems is water. There isn't a lot of places that can get clean water, and the stuff we do have access too, tends to draw wildlife to them. Water storage would be good to have, or maybe some way to gather and filter collected water." Meyers explained, he reached a hand up and scratched at his head.

"In my opinion, road security is now less of a priority, with the exception of wildlife that most people can handle, we just need supplies, with some basic security. Most towns don't have much more than an appointed "law person" and that's at best." He explained to the committee.

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