The Big MT P6

522 15 8

William walked back into the room provided, Konnan, Gage and Ava were sitting in the Sink. From what he understood from the auto doc, he could restore their brains, as long as he got their brains, but he was also told that any brain could go in the bodies. William knew there was 2 objectives left, the stealth suit in X-13, and the squad sergeant, Richard Gears, who was in X-42, the forbidden zone.

William looked at Fido.

"Come on boy. We got some crazies to shoot, robots to destroy, and a suit that needs to be found. Then all we need to do is find the Sargent and get my brain back." William said.

"Definatly not a line you ever expected to say out loud, did you?" Halazbin asked.

He looked back at the group, before he went down the elevator and left the Think Tanks building, heading towards X-13, which, already, was surrounded by large, strange pillar like objects. Walking through, looking at the map for directions. He looked around, seeing the large artillery battery, a factory, and some more pillars. He followed the pipes, until he found "X-13".

As he walked, finding blue lights at the entrance, he looked at the small building. He entered, and eyes were drawn to the force field. Walking to it, he shot it with the emitter. The force field fell and he walked in, picking up energy cells, and laser pistols, before finding a digital key card with "X-8 Kennel" on the side.

"Little extra energy ammo wouldn't hurt to have on hand." He said.

He left and walked down the hall, entering the first room, papers were all about, but he noticed a set of long arm gloves. Setting his pack down, he slid off his jacket, before putting the gloves on, the hands were a bit rubbery, and a bit loose. He noticed small ports on the gloves near on his upper arms, input ports.

"Weird." He said, rubbing his fingers along the port.

"Yeah, maybe some sort of fashion statement, get the uniform changed." Halazbin said.

Picking up his pack he walked into the next lab, he saw more chalkboards. He also found the boots. Undoing his own, William picked on boot up, sniffing it, smelled rubbery, bit of leather too. He put them on, and adjusted the straps, finding them rather flexible, good movement range.

"Ok, now I just need to find the rest." He said, walking out, noticing he didn't make any noise as he walked.

"Now your just a set of black clothes away from being a ninja." Halazbin said, joking.

"Ninja's didn't wear black, they wore patterned blues, helped them blend in at night, but they would wear normal clothes most times." William said.

"Why do you know that?" Halazbin asked.

"Cause, I was a kid who liked the ninja turtles and watched martial arts movies, then I got stationed in Iga Japan, for a while, visited a museum there." William said.

"Nerd." Halazbin said.

He entered lab 3 and found the chest piece, with a lot of mannequins, some having suit tops others just chest pieces on. William slid off his pack, seeing the Torso had a vest like attachment system. He slid it on, and the metal front part had wires, with plug on them.

He pulled the wires a bit, connecting them to the gloves, seeing they fit and the gloves automatically adjusted, being a snug fit now. Some wires dangled down from the bottom. Looking at the boots, he plugged them in as well, before putting on his jacket. Pressing a button, he didn't expect anything.

"Hello, nice to meet you. How may I hide you today?" A child's synthetic voice asked.

"Hal, what the fuck happened to your voice?" William asked, looking around, holding the dog gun.

"That wasn't me." Halazbin said.

"Then who was it?!" William asked, confused.

"I'm the suit. I can help you hide." The voice said.

" guess this is.....going to be happening as long as I wear this." William said, he opened the door and walked across the catwalk, over a set of seemingly empty pens.

"So what can you do...suit?" William asked.

"I am able to nullify sounds, and increase speed while in a lowered, crouched position, along with aiding in fine motor skills. I am capable of also using Med-x and Stimpacks in times of need." Suit replied.

"Interesting." William said.

He reached a door, "testing area access", was over it.

"What happens if I test the your abilities?" William asked.

"I will be able to upgrade my sensors and data, aiding you, you need to complete the tests, without being detected." Suit said.

William shrugged, easy enough. He took off the heavier bulkier stuff, leaving it under the guard of his faithful companion, the dog gun.

 Activating the test, he got ready. Entering the area, William crouched down, sneaking around, William watched the robots patrolling in a pattern. As the robo-brains turned, he got passed them, until he entered the office, and touched the safe, completing the first test.

"X-13 infiltrated? No stealth suit can hide you from my robo-scorpion army! Sting them! Sting them till they are stupid!" Mobius stated, then laughed manically.

William drew the Sonic Emitter,  he got down behind the desk, and took aim at the door. He listened as the dog gun fired a few times at the start, barking as he did.

"I guess this is the real test." He said, crouching waiting at the door.

He heard the turrets and robots fighting outside. After a minute, it stopped, peaking, he saw a robo-scorpion smoking. Firing a blast of sonic energy, the scorpion blew up, destroyed. Moving towards the room, he looked for more, seeing two in the room with his pack.

Fido was barking, are shooting, but at the wall, as he couldn't aim on his own. William turned and fired the Sonic Emitter, finding it effective against robots.

"Good boy, keep them distracted." William, walking up and picking up the dog gun.

William walked into the entry room, and squeezed the trigger, destroying the remaining robots.

"All hostiles are gone." Suit said.

William walked over and rubbed Fido.

"Good boy. Once we get out of here, I'll have the guys at base bore you a new barrel, and give you plenty of care." William said.

Fido barked, in a happy tone.

"We can run the test 2 more times, with increased difficulty to further improve my systems." Suit said.

William shrugged, he might as well. Going through the test a dozen attempts on the second test, he finally passed, avoiding laser tripwires. He then did the next test, finding proximity alarms, and after a few dozen tries, got it. Finally he did the final test, and found it easier, as he just disabled the robots.

Leaving X-13, he would head back toward the think tank, and looked towards Higgs. Maybe some exploration would help him understand these crazies better. William stretched his back, it would probably be best if he got some sleep too.

William entered the sink and sat on the bed.

"This is Log 3, day.....I don't know. I have gathered all the "Technologies" being an antenna that's pretty heavy, don't know why. A sound file for an emitter gun, useful disabling force fields here, and a stealth suit that talks.

I will probably need a psyche evaluation after all this, not sure if the suit is talking.....or I'm just going crazy being around these crazies. I've been talking to my dog gun, and have had converstations with a being dubbing itself Halazbin, who I am not sure is an individual with a radio, who can somehow see me, or is a voice in my own head, they are my closest companions I have here that I can interact with.

Tomorrow, I am going to the north, and entering the Forbidden Zone, to fight Dr. Mobius and recover the brain that is allowing me to transmit and be one of the only sane people in this dome." William said.

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