Butterfly Effect

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"I hate the name, Thank you" was shouted at the end of the song.

"Well that was Johnny Cash's A boy named Sue, I'm American Mel and if I was named Sue, I would have slapped them, changed my name, cause that is one of the worse names out there. But that's now why we are here. Let's talk about something good. Freeside, the slum town on a rebound, got aid with humanitarian efforts, supplies coming from the US, the Followes are setting up food stations, protected by the army of impersonators named the Kings, and locally sourced Muscle. Oh and get this dear listeners! Once hating each other now working hand and hand to make Freeside better for everyone THE NCR! It is a day of miracles! HALLELUJAH! PRAISE HUMAN KINDNESS MY DEAR LISTNERS!" Mell said over the radio.

"Now onto something we all dread, Economics, in high school, everyone just slept through it. With trade increasing as roads are now safe, thanks to both ours and the NCR's cooperation , we have a lot more caravans coming through. Now that's all good, just a reminder though, it's cheaper to come through us than the NCR I'm just saying listeners. I ain't bias, I'm just spitting facts."

"Finally, we have the most boring, or excitement, depending on who you are, we got a message from the United States Government. This is from the hearings, and the people who answered the call, we are thankful. Now let's get into this.

"The Region known as the Mojave, will be receiving additional protection forces, in order to Improve stability, protect the local communities of Good springs and Primm. Also a construction battalion will be moving into the region, to repair roadways first, taking roughly 2 weeks, expect it for either 1 week or 4 weeks, it depends on who's working. After that, Primm is going to get some construction work to improve pre-existing and newly constructed housing. After Primm, Goodsprings will become Great Springs with the same reconstruction efforts. Finally the Correctional Facility will be repaired and brought up to new improved standards inline with the United States prison structures."

America Mel lets out a groan as she exclaims, "SOOOO BORING! We dont care about that stuff bull on this show! its all about the music so heres a classic for all you wonderful listeners! This one is my favorite as well, Here it is! the classic from 1983! Dios! HOLY DIVER!" She yells with great energy before the start of the song could be heard.

The Small town of Primm was doing better. With the roads being cleared, and as a result, people were moving into the town. The US MP and NCR MP were becoming some part of the community's attraction. The US Military had cleared the Bison Steve Hotel, and were now having it be temporary housing to the Residents who had their homes destroyed or ruined.

The "Law man", as it was joked about, was Staff Sargent Briggs, a rather intimidating appearing man, though was actually a rather nice man. He kept the 2 squads that watched over the town in line. The NCR's "Deputy" as it was joked, was Sargant McGee.

To most, Briggs was the person you wanted to deal with, while McGee, was the person you were nervous dealing with. It was Briggs, who heard about how soon rebuilding efforts would come to Primm, decided to get a head start.

He offered an extra meal, or a beer, to anyone who helped clear the destroyed buildings, help rebuild a ruined house. The Job offer was one a few prospectors took up, as to them, it was easy work, and to the residents, it was a promise of a future home. McGee, did try an help, some NCR soldiers would help, mostly for the promised beer.

One of the things which became common place with both Military Police members station at Primm, was Ruby Nash rewarding their hard days work with her famous casseroles which understandably were hesitant at first, but much like any kind elderly womans cooking, it was all up hill after the first bite as the soldiers looked forward to whenever she cooked, even going as far as to offer help getting in anything she might need for future dishes. Of course this is how Briggs found himself on return dish duty, as he walks in with the now empty tray which did have a wild berry cobbler. "Miss Nash if you keep spoiling us troopers like you do we might have to order in bigger pants." He laughs as Ruby chuckles waving her hand. "Oh stop it, you know i do this as a reward for helping make our little home better." She takes the empty tray before walking to the back of the Mojave express leaving her husband and Briggs at the front desk.

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