If It Bleeds...

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Their is a saying in the world, 'patience's of a saint' which relates to someone who is able to handle anything and everything thrown at them and able to keep a calm demeanor about them.

This however does not relate to one Scarlet, a proud Sioux woman, a captain in the united states army Calvary scouts, and now commanding officer of a co-op unit between the US military and a post nuclear military.

Now your probably asking 'how does this relate to the saying?' Well to put simply Scarlet has had to deal with more then a few wild things that the wasteland has thrown at her including but not limited to a ghoul Jesus leading a cult of ghouls, lizards of unusual size, demons who could turn invisible, a slaver grandma, and as of this moment a idiot claiming to be something hes not.

Which is why her second in command and fellow Captain from the NCR is restraining her as she attempts to shoot said man named fantastic in the head with her M9 service pistol.

"LET ME SHOOT HIM! IT WOULD BE A BENEFIT TO THE WORLD!!! LET ME SHOOT HIM!" She screamed, as a near dozen men were trying to stop her from causing a international incident.

"He's not worth shooting! He isn't worth the ammo or the paperwork!" Blackbear shouted.

"OH HE IS! This IS worth the ammo cost and papers I would have to fillout. LET ME SHOOT HIM!" Scarlet cried, before several ropes wrapped around her, and the pistol was pried from her hand.

Captain Annie very much was in the line of fire, and definitely was going to request for hazard pay for dealing with this situation. In the other room, Redwolf was speaking with Ignacio.

"I do appreciate what it was that you did. The NCR may not have been as pleased, but the people of the Mojave will benefit from the additional power being generated." Ignacio said.

"Yeah...Its also a good thing we didn't activate the Archimedes system....It's honestly too dangerous of an option to have loose at this time." Red Wolf said, though he was very clearly sunburned.

"I would most certainly agree with that." Ignacio said.

Yes, for the men and women of the co-op US-NCR Unit which currently has no name was now called upon to handle what most other units could not.

Which was why said unit captains were walking inside the abandon airport that was McCarren for a certain mission.

"ok remind me again WHY your nations R&D, oh excuse me O.S.I. requested to speak with us on a mission that is an i quote 'need to know' " Scarlet huffs abit as she mumbles "seriously who names their organization so close to the thing that created the CIA."

"It cause it's the office of Science and Industry, it's more a coincidence. Some pre-war idea if I had to guess." Boone said.

Scarlet just groans as Annie adds "and the reason they called us is because of the fact we are good at what we do." They got a 'seriously' deadpan stare from Scarlet and even a slightly raised eyebrow from Boone who was just smoking a cigarette as Annie quickly adds "their words not mine."

"All we proved we can do is stumble through scientific infrastructure facilities and not destroy everything in the process, we have a net positive in our efforts, kind of." Blackbear said.

"I have repcon rocket moonshine!" Hooch slurred out, as he was dragged by two other NCR officers, somehow drunk and not dead from the glowing moonshine that had to be confiscated, radioactive somehow alcoholic drink.

"At this point, I don't know if we should be impressed by this or fearful that he actually drank it and lived." Eagle Eyes said.

Scarlet groans as she looks to crow "Crow your in charge while me and Captain Colton talk with the director inside." This caused her second in command to give a simple nod as she and Annie begin to walk into the building which was slowly being cleaned, fixed, and even have proper lights fixed.

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