Times of Change

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Hope, such a simple word with much meaning behind it. For the orphans adopted by the members of the US Air Cav who brought humanitarian aid to Freeside had renewed hope when these kids who with no hope, no future, and most of all fear of if they were going to die from hunger. Now had honest hope as they were brought back to the Nipton base to go through a full check up, psych evaluations, and the one thing all of them had all but given up hope on. Real honest families.

Of course that wasn't all as they were questioned, not in a way of interrogation as military intel or the CIA likes to do, but more of simple questions and answers about the wasteland, where they came from, and what happen to their original families. Once the questioning was done the kids with no future soon was brought to the other side, and to say they were shocked would be underplaying the emotions they felt seeing a world of green, the children were amazed.

Where these kids now you may ask? Now they are happy, healthy, and even going to school on base as they work to try and have an honest future that was granted to them by their new families. Some even are looking at enlisting so they themselves can help and save future children with no futures as their new families did for them.

While happiness was being found in the smallest of places, off in the city of sin within the Wasteland, the radios played as it was mixed between New Vegas and American Mel, of course instead of music it was news that was playing, "LISTEN UP FOLKS! Its your girl! your humble voice in this wild! WILD WASTELAND! American MEEEELLLLLL!!!! And have i got a story FRESH! Off the presses!" Those sitting outside their respected resorts of choice looked up to see black Humvees rolling by with lights on top as massive white words 'POLICE' is seen printed on the doors. "So word has come in that New Vegas and the areas of Freeside as well as a few settlements are getting the boys in blue! Well their military police but key word folks POLICE! Law and order has come to town! Best part is that all these boys and girls who are military police are in fact FORMER Police as well or have backgrounds in Law Enforcement!"

To those outside of the casinos, they say as one of the MPs stepped out, he was unique, wearing a fedora and Jacket with a loose tie hanging on his neck. He ignited a cigarette and looked around.

"Hey Nick, Welcome to Vegas, New Vegas." A soldier on leave said.

"This place smells of crime, corruption and Cheap Booze." He said.

A female NCR MP with the rank of Captain nods as she walks up to Nick, "Ya got that right. Captain Marie Pappas head of the NCR Military Police detachment here in New Vegas and the NCR Embassy." She holds out her hand towards Nick.

"Good to meet you Captain, Names Nick Valentine, Captain Valentine." He said, shaking her hand, "let's hope everything stays good here."

"Dun! Dun! Duuuuuun!"

"What was that captain Pappas asked.

"Old alarm on my phone. Reminder I set"

the NCR Captain couldn't help but chuckle as she shakes her head, giving her fellow Captain a smile, "Seems like were gonna be learning a lot from each other." She turns around and starts walking to a new building which was cleared out for both Military Polices to work out of. "Come on! Ill show you to your office!" She calls over her shoulder.

Nick just chuckles as he and many of the military police of the US begin to slowly build a relationship with them and their other worldly counterparts.

While Law is being brought slowly to the strip and its surrounding area, off at a airport now turned military base the commander of said base is standing outside with his 2nd in command and many others in formation, the 2nd in command being LT. Carrie Boyd of the NCR Army and head of the NCRMP at the base, all stood at attention as the familiar sound of blades chopping air could be heard coming from the sky. Colonel Hsu smiled as he looked up, "Right on time." He comments as a formation of three Black Hawks and two chinook transport choppers came flying into view of those standing in formation as a welcome party for those who are riding in those choppers.

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