The Big MT P3

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William looked at his team mate Ava, nervous. He carried her from a bed and moved her into a chair in the Apartment area over the think tank, he hoped that she would be safe, hopefully. He walked to the balcony, and leaned on the railing.

"What's the Plan now?" Halazbin asked.

"I'm think Y-17, it's a medical facility. If I had to guess.... It's a medical facility, could have something that can fix her." William explained, motioning his hand back to the door.

"And who are you hoping to find? Cause my bet, who ever is in there has nothing better than a potato for a brain at this time." Halazbin explained.

Walking back inside, he looked at the dog gun and took out the magazine, before opening the box, he reloaded the magazine before he closed it and reinserted the container. The gun barked, happy.

"Good dog." William said, rubbing the barrels. 

He walked to the middle of the room and looked down, seeing an object on the table.

"Hey, Sink, what is this?" He asked.

"That sir, is a holotape recorder device, you can play back messages on it." The sink explained.

"Good to know." William said.

He attached it to his pack, grabbing the dog gun, pulling on his plate carrier and pack, before he began to walk towards the elevator. He pulled the recorder out, and pressed the record button.

"This is Recording 1 of Sergeant William Watts. I am in the location referred to as the Big Mountain, though it's more like the giant fucking bowl. I have been here.....for several days, but I have only been awake for 2 days, where I have worked on figuring out what to do, and how to recover my team, who were lobotomized, along with myself, I am the only one seemingly aware and mentally... sound here.

"You're stable as a house made in a swamp at this time." Halazbin said.

"Shut up, I need to focus on this, ok, so maybe I'm not as stable as I wish I was.

I am following the instructions of floating brains in jars, each one is a unique brand of weird all of it's own. I'm pretty sure one is missing their body and I fear what they would do if they learned I was collecting my squadmates, who are alive, but they don't have their brains. got replaced with tech.

I'm not alone with just brains with bodies and bodies with brains, there are others around, I have robots that want to kill me, robot scorpions that want to kill me, cyborg dogs that want to kill me, and other victims of this place, who, want to kill me. I got some company, I got a dog of my own that's is being my companion, it just happens to be a gun as well.

I have this Personal Information Processor, that after looking at it, I'm pretty sure won't come off again. I have recovered one of my squad mates, and will head to recover second squad mate, then to gather a component to a sonic emitter gun. End of log." He said, hitting a button and stopping the recording.

"Logs for posterity?" Halazbin asked.

"Something to keep me grounded." William explained, hooking the recorder to his pack again.

He looked around as he stepped out and followed the signal. He walked along a pipe, before he reached a small building to a staircase that lead down. He reached a large room, with several tube like structures and several robots.

William pulled out the Cyberdog gun and fired, the dog barking as the bullets flew out and destroyed the robots.  Walking over he kicked it, seeing it had on the side "Doctor Orderly MD PHD DDS". Kicking a hatch a halo dropped out, putting it on.

"Congrats, you now are an angel, come to Big MT to exact divine retribution on all those heathens of the sodom below." Halazbin joked, laughing.

"I don't get it? If your a voice in my head...that's a weird joke to make, cause, I do not get it." William said.

He walked around, trying to find the signal source, before finding some sort of suit on a desk. He looked at it, looked like a jumpsuit with metal panels on it. Continuing the search up the steps, he found more holodisks for the Auto-doc.

"I bet these can help me, maybe the auto-doc and fix Ava's brain issue." William said.

The dog gun barked, as William put the disks into his pack. He walked to the lower levels, examining each of the tubes, before he heard a knocking sound. He knocked back and waited, closing his eye, he tried to locate the source. He listened, and heard two knocks on metal.

Getting closer and closer to the source of the knocking, he smiled, opening the auto docs to check inside. the doors would sometimes slide open to reveal a pile of meat, only for the knock to be heard elsewhere. Finally he reached the last one, and opened the door.

Konnan Daddow, the teams riflemen. He had clearly been  operated on, with the scars on his head.

"Daddow, you there, come one, there must be one that has a functioning brain." William said.

"Maybe they don't, you might be lucky." Halazbin said.

William grabbed his hand and slowly lead him outside, and back to the sink. He set him in a second chair, before rubbing his eyes, he was tired. He hadn't slept much since arriving, it was nearly a day and a half since he had slept. 

Setting the gun on the table, he smiled, sliding the ammo out of the dog gun's magazine well.

"I'll clean your barrels in the morning, and resight you, how does that sound boy?" William asked, yawning. 

The Dog gun yipped with excitement at the prospect. He walked to the bed room, and locked his equipment in the foot locker. 

He fell asleep, but struggled to stay asleep. His implants were active and well, didn't allow him to dream. He woke up, and rubbed his head, he saw a few of the injuries he sustained from the last few days had vanished. He looked at the Personal Information Processor, and rolled a small dial at the bottom to [STATUS] he then saw 3 other things on the side [Condition] [Effects] and [Radiation].

"Finally testing out your big MT brand Pip-boy I see, that's good, there's a radio function." Halazbin said.

He turned a dial to effects, and saw "Heartless: will cause injuries to be repaired faster over time, immunity to poison, increases endurance by +1.", "Spineless: increase strength by +2, and damage threshold by +1, torso can not be crippled." And finally "Brainless: Higher resistance to addiction, head trauma will have lacking effects, head can not be crippled.".

He flicked again to reach the "Special" tab, and saw

S: 7+
P: 6
E: 8+
C: 4
I: 5
A: 5
L: 3

"Neat, maybe show this off for the guys back at base." He said, before he opened the door and began to head back towards the outside.

"You mean your idiotic endurance and shit luck? That sounds like a good idea, then only the dumb ones will stick around you." Halazbin said in a sarcastic tone.

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