The NCRCF (fixed)

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The Interrogation of the convict, Julian Rezdeo, had been enlightening. The fact the NCR had a prison out here, and was using prison labor for track laying was interesting. The other interesting thing was how the the escape happened, Dynamite and convicts, especially violent, anti-NCR sentiments compounded with hard physical labor, had lead to a riot and take over of the prison.

The location was found, it wasn't very hard after reaching Primm, it was literally just north. Over the next week, observation was done, along with camps to the south being taken care of. Fake reports were made, mostly by Julian, who was recorded giving responses.

T-3:00 till Prison Break begins.

Sebastian and Ethan were up on a hill, scouting the location out.

"We got 6 guard towers. Seems like each one is staffed. No clear opening in the walls, must mean the prisoners walked out the front. Barbed wire...seems like a tough pot to crack here." Ethan said, looking through his scope.

"Yeah, probably best if we get a few guys along the hill, here, and over there. We take out the snipers, then, we get a few choppers to fly over, take out the guys in the courtyard, we have 3 teams, two who drop inside, one who drops outside, and we clear the buildings." Sebastian said.

"Sir, is this really important? It's a small gang? Shouldn't we find what caused the door way to this world?" Ethan asked.

"These guys are a hard point of resistance, and from what the NCR said, these guys have been causing issues up and down this road." Sebastian said.

T-0:01 till Prison Break Begins

Three Helicopters flew over the Mojave, as a few teams deployed on the ground and were setting up in positions. The Helicopters landed a bit back and were waiting for the signal. The Snipers were adjusting to hit their targets. 

As soon as the snipers fired their first shots, the Helicopters their blades already spinning lifted up, and with a simple lean forward in the stick, they took off towards the NCRCF. 

As they flew towards their target the commander in the lead Heli, Capt. Lena Thompson, Called over the radio, "Okay, guys were heading into a hot zone, ROE are as such, all targets are considered hostile. Do not hesitate to shoot, because these guys wont, we will be providing suppression and fire support. Got that, now any questions?" 

No one said anything, "Okay" she said, "We are about a minute out from the target and guys buckle up and lock and load!" 

As they approached the NCRCF, Lena made a signal to her co-pilot, and with the push of a button CCR's Fortunate Son came out from the speakers on the outside of the Bell Huey, the crews of the helis looked at each other with humor in their eyes and faces. 

As they neared the prison, the only instance the Powder Gangers knew something was wrong was when gunshots rang out and music came playing from the sky, and as those that were able to look up did they saw the weirdest looking Verti-bird they had ever seen, but that's when they saw the door gunner and took cover. While the snipers took care of the guys in the towers the door gunners took care of the guys in the courtyard. 

"Uh Outlaw 2-4, this is Outlaw 2-1, you see that guy in the courtyard"

"The guy with the home made cannon," Came Outlaw 2-4.

"Roger, 2-4, mind taking him out" came from Outlaw 2-1.

"Can do, Gunner take out that home made cannon please" came the order from the pilot.

"Roger", came from the gunner as he swung his M134 minigun and let loose into the courtyard killing the man manning the home made cannon and a couple of the men helping him.

"And he's down" came from the gunner. 

 As they flew around the facility, they kept up the fire, keeping the hostiles down. The pilot for Outlaw 2-3, as he was making an outward pass looked over to the side, and saw the incoming friendly troops.

"Outlaw 2-1, this is Outlaw 2-3, we have friendly troops inbound from the south, I repeat we have friendly troops inbound from the south." 

"Roger 2-3, all Heli units we have inbound friendly units, check your fire, I repeat check your fire." came the order from Outlaw 2-1.

The APCs rolled up, one rolled over a mine that only shook the cab, before the APCs vomitted their infantry. Rushing inside, the guard outside was killed as he was reloading his revolver. The key was found, that being 12 gauge, and the door was kicked open. 

"EVERYONE DOWN!" one soldier shouted.

One convict rushed forward, before one dropped to the ground, his black hat falling next to him. Another fell down, dropping his pistol. The convict who rushed the soldiers was shot in the chest 3 times, before two more were killed as they tried to shoot the soldiers.

"Secure them! Entrance clear! Move to Internal structures A and B." the lead soldier ordered.

Two squads rushed by, leaving the visitor center, and charged into the Cell Blocks. As the squads rushed in, they captured one man who was on the ground. The Captured Hostiles were restrained and extracted from the NCRCF. 

The last building had two charges placed on the walls, before the detonated, blowing their way inside. Rushing inside, the soldiers breached the Admin Building, one on the bottom, and one on the second floor. Catching the remaining convicts off guard, two were killed, before a man with brass knuckles rushed forward, only the man to be shot 4 times in the chest, and once in the head.

The man sitting behind a desk raised his hands, surrendering, before he was grabbed and restrained. The last of the Powder Gangers were killed or surrendered.

Time: + 10 minutes since the beginning of Prison Break, on schedule.

The captives were loaded into separate Transports, and taken to Nipton, under watch, from all the soldiers. The convicts that were killed, had their numbers marked down, before being tagged, and bagged.

Eddie Salvaro, Role: Leader
Hannigan Michaels, Role: Doctor (specialist, possibly former soldier)
William Meyers: Role: Non-partisan (convict, didn't join, serving sentence by choice)
Bill Bob Benson: Role: footman

The convicts, would be given either handed off to the NCR, or, given their freedom, after the information on the prisoners is given.

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