Big MT P7

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William prepped the best he could. He loaded his pack up with energy cells and bullets. He bought a dozen Stimpacks and 6 Med-X. He put double checked Fido's ammo. Grabbing the Antenna and Sonic Emitter, he looked at his squad, before he departed, for the Forbidden Zone.

"Time to Army of 1 this shit!" Halazbin said.

"More like army of 4." William said.

The dog barked happy.

"I am glad to be included." Suit said.

He left the Think Tank, heading towards the red dome on the northern edge of the crater, shooting through wave after wave of robo-scropion, until he finally reached the tunnel entrance. Taking a deep breathe, he prepared for what ever was to come next. He twisted the door open and entered the door way. He entered a dark room, arcs of electricity powered something to life, until the intercoms turned on.

"Attention Visitors. Combat experiment is in progress. Please Put on your goggles and take your Rad-x now." Mobius said.

William lowered a set of goggles over his eyes, and took the small tablet of Rad-x, taking a sip of water from a bottle and throwing it to the ground. Radiation medicine would be useful in this situation, so he bought some just in case.

"The X-42 Giant Robo Scorpion is Alive! Awaken, my pet! Initiate your search and Destroy protocol in the name of all that is Mobius!" the speakers announced.

William ducked into the first pod to his right as he entered, narrowly dodging a laser blast that hit the door. His pipboy was clicking, and radiation was being detected. Getting away further away, he found a terminal, seeing it was unlocked.

Sliding it down, he began to read as the giant robot looked for targets.

"No damage from small arms fire....sorry Fido, looks like I have to set you down." William said.

"Poor doggy, we will be back." The suit said.

Fido whimpered, as he took out the Emitter gun, reading how it short circuited the last one. He also noticed how "drones" for target practice were not effective, but could be a distraction. William turned them on and he looked over, seeing waddling robots firing small lasers, not providing much damage, but drew the attention of the robot.

"Better have them shot at then us." Halazbin said.

"Oh, it looks like the target drones have been activated and- how cute, they are targeting the X-42 Giant Robo-scorpion. Let's see some shrapnel Fly!" Mobius commented.

William rushed out, shooting at the tail to try and short circuit it, giving the slow drones more time to distract the robot. Rushing by a set of pods that didn't open, he saw a holotape "Emergency Shutdown Terminal Password" written on it.

"This could be important." William said.

"You don't say. Now we just need the terminal." Halazbin said.

He took notice to a set of stairs and ran up them, avoiding a blast the took out the bottom few steps. Turning and reaching a pod, he ducked under the desk, hearing the last of the drones getting destroyed.

"Ok, got to find the shut down terminal." William said.

"If you use me, we can sneak out." the suit said.

"Probably best, she is a stealth suit." Halazbin said.

William crouched down, hoping to stay hidden as he began to sneak out. Climbing down the steps, he went down and moved along a wall, before finding another set of stairs. The Giant Robot was scanning the area, and William would duck behind objects to stay out of the scanner's wave of light.

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