Let's Fly

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When it comes to the wasteland, one should always expect that it is by nature, a chaotic and complex ecosystem, one which creates not only paradoxical beings and mutations that would make even the most hard liner of the scientific community admit they have no fucking idea what is going on.

So your probably wondering how does that relate to why Captain Scarlet of the United States Army Calvary Scouts, a proud Sioux woman who has time and time again handled much of what the wasteland has thrown at her, currently has her helmeted head meeting the hood of the humvee currently tenth going on eleventh time.

After adding three more hits to the eleven hit making it an even fourteen times her helmet has met the hood of their humvee, she stays like this for about a moment or two before letting out a groan which makes it seem like she is done with this entire insane, mad, mad world that is the Mojave wasteland and its own irradiated brand of lunacy. 

"So.....Inside of that building, is wasteland brand zombie Jesus that we just met, who just asked us to get some demons out of the basement, of an old commercial rocket testing facility." BlackBear said, to Redwolf.

"And now us, along with a group of New California Republic soldiers, to fight demons. Is there a chaplin or something, cause we will need some blessed lead." Redwolf said.

While the two chuckle fucks, were being two chuckle fucks, Annie looks towards Scarlets SIC as she asks slightly concerned, "so...is uh...is the senior captain gonna be alright?" Pointing towards Scarlet who has yet to bring her head up from the hood of the Humvee.

"She will be, just.....I think the betting pool is going to getting a lot of weird new cards in place." The SIC explained.

Annie nods slowly before Scarlet with a long breath stands up straight as she does a motion with her arms which for those who know her translate to, 'calm down and dont kill anyone.' Turnign around she addressed those present.

"Alright! So first order of business. Send this up the chain of command because we are way the fuck over our heads. Cause i dont know about you but even with the fire power we have now, we are going into an unknown unknown. So until We have solid numbers to help fight WHATEVER the hell is down in the basement." She then brings up a 2nd finger, "Two. With sending this up the chain we will of course being doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! With those rockets because that is well above our fucking paygrade and so HELP ME! If anyone messes with those rockets before the egg heads get here MY FOOT IS GOING IN YOUR ASS!"

Scarlet then grabs her rifle and racks the bolt as she looks at Boone as she says, "Now tell me where something is that I can shoot because I NEED TO SHOOT SOMTHING!" She says with a slightly raised and minor manic voice.

"There's been a game of shooting birds that land on the statue......I'm in the lead" Boone said, as he looked.

"There will be a need to double back towards the over pass, set up the supply base." Eagle Eye said, as she got up.

"Radio signals wouldn't be good in here anyways, only people you'd pick up would be Black Mountain and maybe New Vegas, but that's still iffy with anything worse than a hooked up radio system." Four Eyes said, looking around the bowl they were in.

Scarlet just pinches the bridge of her noise as she says, "fine. Fine. Take a humvee back to novac and radio command. Another team will set up a checkpoint at the overpass and finally I and Boone will go and do some big game hunting so I don't kill anyone here."

"When did I get pulled into this?" Boone asked himself.

"Cause it's either that or I'm going to be riding a machinegun that's unloading it's box." Scarlet threatened.

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