Factions (Improved)

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General Rothchilds was rubbing his head. He would need to have "representatives" from the various major factions? Who were they, where were they, how could they contact them?  It was completely and utterly insane. The task was nearly impossible to be done in such a short amount of time.

The only people who they had "good reliable" information was the NCR, they might know major players, but where was a completely different question?  


The Soldiers would talk with the passing trade caravans, which moved with a bit more frequency now, to take a message, or pass word along to the near by "Mojave Outpost" as it was called, with a payment of caps. It was a few hours before any radio chatter was picked up.

Rothchild looks to the operators waiting for the call from the NCRs closets outpost which, from what the caravans dub it, "The Mojave Outpost" Which in their world is Mountain Pass California. Soon one of the Radio Operators give a thumbs up showing that the message they sent to the NCR came through and the NCR was now broadcasting to them, however the General couldn't ignore protocals when it came to incoming radio transmissions. So Rothchild, picking up the mic, speaks with a clear voice as possible. "This is Nipton command requesting I.D. on incoming transmission over."

"Yes this is Major Knight, acting Commander at the NCR Mojave Outpost, we have received your message. What do your require? over."

Rothchild replies in kind. "This is base commander of Nipton Command, General Rothchild. I am extending a political invitation for all local factions of the Mojave to come over to our side and speak with my nations leaders. If you could forward our request up your chain of command it would be much appreciated. Over." He released the button on the mic he was holding, waiting for the response from the NCR Major.

"Yes Sir, General!" Rothchild could practically hear, the Major saluting him. "I'll forward this to our Ambassador Crocker in New Vegas immediately Sir!"

Major Knight would quickly change the radio's frequency, adjusting the knobs and dials to turn it to the NCR Official Message Frequency to Camp McCarren.

"This is Mojave Outpost to McCarren Base. Message Urgent, US Army calling for Representatives in regions to come to location, Nipton. Relay message to NCR Embassy on Strip. Over." Knight explained.

"Roger Mojave Outpost" came the Voice of NCR Comm's specialist Sergeant MacMillan, he then turned the dials on his radio and called out "NCR Embassy, this is Camp McCarren, we have a priority message for Ambassador Crocker, US Army has requested Representative from the region to meet at Nipton. Over"

The inside of the Embassy, quickly became something close to a panicking mess of pencil pushers, but was quickly calmed, before Ambassador Crocker, sent the relayed message, up his own chain of Command, and now, was waiting, with fear, was this the Enclave? Or some other remnant? Where did these guys come from? Were the mercenaries using the name? Many questions were filling Crocker's Inbox, and mind, and he, had no answers to give. He just hoped that Command in Shady Sands, would have some sort of answer, or response. Mojave Outpost needed to replay their messages through McCarren, for the Embassy to receive them, so they now had to wait.

Crocker remembering what this new faction wanted quickly got up from his desk and shouted out from his office. "SOMEONE GET TO THE MORMON FORT AND SEND THE FOLLOWERS THERE THE MESSAGE!" Quickly an assistant wrote down the message, handing it to a messenger who then quickly went to the Mormon Fort in.


 At the 188 Trading Post, the loneliest girl in the Wasteland, was having a Nuka Cola at Samuel Kerr's shop, when a couple of traders came into the shop, "Hey, did you hear" one of them said, "Bout what" the other one asked.

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