Murder for One

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Previously on "MURDER FOR ONE" Dective Nick Valentine, grizzled detective from Boston, has arrived in New Vegas, to solve a murder at the Ultra-Luxe. He's found the victim, a man named Detctive Crusoe, and now, he's uncovered a hidden message on the body of the inspector. The mystery thickens, as Nick Valentine must now solve two murders. NOW LET US CONTINUE the story, in MURDER FOR ONE, PART 2!

Nick was sitting in his office, looking over all the evidence, a record player was playing, the sounds of smooth jazz softly played through the air, as Nick took deep drag of his cigarette

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Nick was sitting in his office, looking over all the evidence, a record player was playing, the sounds of smooth jazz softly played through the air, as Nick took deep drag of his cigarette. The shades were drawn, leaving a ladder of lights going through his office.

'Murder in sin city. All too common. I didn't know what I'd expect, an easy job, a line up of culprits, maybe even a classy dame to accompany me on the mission. None of that came true. Instead, I got a murdered detective who was investigating a lost bride, a lost son of a brahmin baron and a a hand full of other mysterious disappearances in the Ultra-Luxe. High class place, with high-class disappearances. A dead detective normally means someone doesn't want things to be found, so that leaves a question. What had Mister Crusoe found, that made someone want him gone? It was something, involving "The Old Ways", now it's up to me to find it.' Nick thought to himself.

There was a knock at his door.

'And here enters the dame.' He thought, as he looked up, seeing Marjorie entering his office.

Stepping into the Detecives office was the head dame of the ultra lux, dressed in a ruby red dress that seem to sparkle and shine as the light hits it, her hair done up in a way that is covers half her face, like a mask that covers an actor or a burn victim.

"Mister Valentine. I feel that I need to come clean about......rumors that you may hear of the White Gloves. May I please take a seat?" She asked, she learned, to one side, showing her leg from a long slit in the dress that nearly went to the middle of the thigh.

'Was she playing the part of the seductress of this case?' Nick wondered.

Nick motion to the empty seat, "please take a seat." He says while keeping his emotions straight.

Marjorie walked, in the way to draw the attention to her hips. She sat down and clenched her hands, looking down.

"Before Mister House returned, the White Gloves were known as the Gut Grinders, due to the habits of our tribe. We consumed the Taboo meals. That ways was abandoned, as we became more civilized." Marjorie said, looking down at the desk.

Nick gave the woman a collected look as he says, "so this is the 'old ways' that you've tried to keep hidden?"

"Yes, we moved away from them, and banished those who refused to  fight  "the cravings". They later joined the fiends out in outer Vegas" Marjorie explained.

Nick just nods as he takes down notes before asking "and your sure that all these banished are truly gone from your ranks?"

"We thought they were. We haven't had anything like this happen, the disappearance we thought were just of the moment regret. We never considered there may be anyone returning to the old ways." She said, voice choking up.

Nick's eyes narrow as he leans forward slightly, "then tell me WHY we have not only a murder but two kidnappings in YOUR establishment."

"We thought the kidnappings were people leaving in the middle of the night. The casino is under staffed at night, and Mortimer doesn't have a cover every night. They also paid large sums for privacy. We just assumed they left. We couldn't expect a murder to occur, besides the MPs, and White Glove Security, everyone is disarmed before they come in, it's strip law." Marjorie said, intimidated by the detective.

Nick nods as he sits back down, "I see." He said as he did feel bad scaring the dame, but sometimes ya have to put the heat on to make birds sing.

Marjorie attempted to readjust herself, when she reached into her hand bag, and took out a key.

"This will get you into Employee only areas. I need to get back. The Society is planning a meeting for its senior members. I need to make sure everything is ready for later this week." Marjorie explained.

Nick nods as he pulls out his card holding it out. "If anything comes up you five me a call." He says before grabbing the key from her.

"Thank you Detective." She said, standing up, walking to the door and left the office.

Nick stood up, looking at his watch. He would see what was so important that it was hidden in his matchbook.

Nick made his way to the Ultra-luxe, into the pool, and enter a steam room, pulling the curtain, so he was in an empty stall, in the empty steam room.

A few minutes passed.

"So, you found the message. Look, I was helping the inspector, with the last case, the Brahmin Baron's." A man said, he sat right next to nick, the curtain keeping them hidden from each other.

Nick nods, "so what can ya tell me? Does this have to do with the old ways or is their another motive behind all this?"

"There's some senior member attempting to convince the others senior members to return to the old ways. From my own work, I think Philip is involved, if you can get him to-"


A splatter of blood and a bullet hole were made in the sheet. Nick pulled away the curtain and saw a door open, catching a person running down a corridor.

Pulling out his iron jerk gives chase as he shouts to those who get in his way, "POLICE! MOVE!" Running fast as he could after the shadow of the killer all the while commanding "Police! Stop!"

As the chase continued a door was slammed shut "Employee only" was on the sign.

Nick opened the door after unlocking it and found a room filled with suits, dresses and masks.

"Looks like this just got a lot more complicated." Nick said, lowering his weapon.

Nick soon reaches into his coat as he pulls out a radio and reports the murder as now the ultra lux filled with double the military police then before as the body of the now dead informant was carried off to the corner to be looked at while the old detective just adds yet another angle to this ever growing conspiracy of murder.

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