Murder for One

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Last time, Nick contemplated the case, the mysterious "Old ways" as they were known, from the days before house, the White Gloves were once consumers of the Taboo. Someone is working to bring back these taboo meals. Nick came close to finding out who it may be, but his contact was killed, and now, Nick Valentine must pair up with Marie Pappas, to solve this delicious mystery in MURDER FOR ONE, PART 3!

Smoke lingered in the air from a lite cigarette, the sounds of a fans blade slowly chopping through the air, and a large peg board lined with photos of crime scenes, statements, photos of suspects, and red strings all connecting back to the one bu...

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Smoke lingered in the air from a lite cigarette, the sounds of a fans blade slowly chopping through the air, and a large peg board lined with photos of crime scenes, statements, photos of suspects, and red strings all connecting back to the one building they all come from, the ultra lux. Nick the detective stands in his office as he stares at the board of photos and strings while taking a drag of his cigarette before blowing out the smoke.

'A place of high society in a world of anarchy, lawlessness, and war, yet three murders have happen in less then twenty four hours. All from people going missing and my one lead also turns up dead from creeps wearing mask, mask. Why the mask? to hide their true selves? To protect their own people? Then theirs the old ways, how does that tie in to this conspiracy of murder?' Nick wonders to himself as he continued to look at the information they have acquired so far.

'Call it a suspicion, hell, call it intuition, but I know what there is something happening, something hidden that people don't want in the light. You don't have two murders happen in twenty fours when they are all connected. First was a detective looking into disappearances, he got killed after finding out about the old ways. Then the man who was helping got killed after speaking of a conspiracy. It all ties back to one place, The Ultra-Luxe, and their masked society. Nick was looking for a silver pin in a pile of needles.' taking a long drag of his cigarette, he tapped the extra into the ash tray, before he looked at the next options to consider.Philippe, the only lead he had, was the cook.

The opening of a door signaled Nick that he wasn't alone, turning around he saw his fellow Military police member who was wearing her Khaki uniform, her beret was in her uniforms should strap, walking towards Nick, Captain Marie Pappas of the New California's Military Police. "Any luck so far Nick?" She asks using his name instead of his rank as she has come to respect the old detective, even started to study his methods as an old cop.

"I have a lead, it's the cook. The contact, Chauncy, before he was killed, told me that he may be involved. My bet is the cook is cooking up more than just food, but he's not alone, I just have to figure out who else is involved in this complex culinary conspiracy that was conceived in the crevices of a cannibalistically creative concoction." Nick said.

"Was the alliteration necessary?" Marie Pappas asked, shaking her head.

Nick chuckles, "in my line of work you either get a sense of humor to deal with what we do, or you drown in the sea of depression because of the amount of scum we have to deal with." He says before blowing out another cloud of smoke.

"Fair enough. I've gotten permission from House to have a temporary lock down of the Ultra luxe, I have my guys posted behind the building to ensure that no staff get's out, and I saw your guys have secured the front. I'm hoping you don't mind me accompanying you to ask the cook a few questions." Captain Pappas explained.

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