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Three days, that's how long the simple assignment of observing the USM has been going for the young captain. 

"What are they doing now?" Captain Colton lowered her binoculars glaring at the corporal who was leaning on the sandbag walls before asking, "What?" The corporal asks again, "I said what are they doing now?" 

Annie just groans as she says, "The same they have always done for the past three days. Patrol, guard, escort, and even offer aid. The same as it was when you asked me three days ago, so three days from now when you ask me 'what are they doing now?' I'm gonna tell you the exact same fucking thing I'm telling you now!" She yells at the corporal.

Unaware to Annie, her forces were also being watched from a guard tower as the watch team was enjoying the show they were seeing, which was in greater detail thanks to the more advanced optics fielded by the US Army. 

"Man she's really tearing into him this time, wonder what he did to piss her off." said a young private.

"Should we ask them questions....or Are we going to wait for them to make the first move?" the private asked.

"This ain't your prom night date boy, you need to focus and make sure nothing comes out of that outpost we don't want." the Sargent retorted.

The private responds, "Yes Sargent !", before focusing on watching the scene before them.

"Not gonna lie that NCR captain is a looker, wonder if she'll go for a grunt like me." The Sargent just groans as he mutters, "I don't get paid enough for this."

Since the outposts creation, it was clear to the commanders of the base that the NCR was keeping an eye on them, for what reason? They didn't fully understand, but they were gonna make the first move to avoid any sort of blue on blue in the future.

"This is Nipton command calling Mojave outpost, do you copy over." Called a radio operator in the bases communication center.

"This is Mojave Outpost. Reading Nipton loud and clear, what is the nature of the transmission? Over." the radio operator said, before Ranger Jackson was brought into the room.

The radio in the outpost came to life as another transmission came from Nipton, "Solid copy Mojave outpost, Command here wishes to set up a meeting with the commanding officer of the friendly forces stationed just north West of the bases AO roughly five clicks out. Over" The radio operator turns and looks at Ranger Jackson to see what should be done.

"Copy that. Mojave Outpost, this is Ranger Jackson, how will the meeting take place? Over." Jackson said, placing one hand on the desk as he held the microphone in the other hand, waiting for a response.

Captain Annie Colton was brought in, being a technical second in command, as her unit was not part of the Outpost's forces, officially, she waited quietly and listened.

The transmitter responded again, "Good copy Ranger Jackson, Command wishes to know weather it would be better for us to come to you, or for you to come to us. Transport will be provided if you wish to have the meeting here. Over." Annie was starting to sweat a littler as she had a feel that she had screwed up and was about to be smoked by Ranger Jackson.

Jackson shook his head, and set the microphone down, and walked up to Captain Colton. 

"I will be having you come with, What's your opinion on this?" Annie was nervous, she had to be careful. 

 "In my opinion, I believe that having the meeting be in there base would provide a better lens of understanding on how they run operations and could lead to possible intelligence being gathered." Annie said.

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