The Think Tank

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Nearly 30 minutes of the literal talking heads arguing, about everything from he did, from him breathing, and calling his fingers little penises, which made him wonder if maybe a few had seen him naked, him shudder at the idea. With that action, the brains talked about it, sawing a fault line was acting up, cause why would he shiver like that. When he pinched the bridge of his nose, they though he was trying to asphyxiate himself.

"They are all fucking insane." he said to himself.

"We knew that, this place is as sound as a Military deal for a car." the voice said.

"Shut up brain." He said to himself.

He sighed and looked around, maybe something can be done to move this along. The idea he had formed was to fire a shot into the ceiling, however, due to some field he couldn't shoot, he was stuck listening to 5 idiots talk, until, suddenly a transmission activated.

"If it isn't my old colleagues, the "Mighty think tank" of Big MT. FOOLS all of you. It is I! Dr. Mobius! Transmitting from my domeshaped.... Dome! In the forbidden Zone! A zone that is, yes, Forbidden to you! Even now, my deadly Robo-scorpians swarm across big MT with their pincers and pointy laser tails. Soon All science will be MINE! Even the science sealed in the Big MT research centers cannot save you. So cower in your Think Tank. Wait, for the end!.... That's all....goodbye." Dr. Mobius said, starting as intimidating and threatening....then at the end sounded less evil.

The robot brains panicked, before finally, they all looked at William.

"Need me to do anything? Literally anything to get out of this place.

"Why would it help? We scooped out it's brain!" Borous said.

"YOU DID WHAT!" William asked, turning his full attention back to the brains.

"We removed your brain, yes. So soft....barely wrinkled yet so flush with knowledge and experience. Brain Extraction Technology is standard practice at Big MT for an immeasurable amount of time." Dala said.

"Once the brain was out, then came the COILS. The Tesla coils. The Coils of Nikola Tesla." Borous said.

"AND NOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!" the voice in his head said.

8 apparently said something, just garbled technical screeching to William though.

"Yeah 8, no need to brag. Where ever your brain is, it's transmitting thoughts to you in umm...uhh" O said.

"The Tesla coils! In it's head!" Borous said.

"This is fortunate in many respects, if it was in the dome, it could activate the access your aggression centers." Dala said

"CIRCUMVENTALATING THE PACIFICATION FIELD! THIS IS A NO-NO. WE HAVE NEVER BEEN IN A FIGHT. We do not want that. Reminds me of my days in American High, and Richie Marcus-" Borous said, before trailing off.

'Note to self, get brain back, kill these assholes' William thought to himself.

"good you see it in such a way, but think, what you could do, you got some bodies to put them in." the voice said, almost teasing.

William hit the side of the head, hoping to somehow tune off of what ever he was picking up.

"What about the stitches in my chest! And on my back. What else did you take out and put in me?" William yelled.

"Dala was it necessary this time?" Klein asked.

"I take full responsibility. I take my duty in prodding and examination of living breathing tissue quite seriously. Although, to be true, the auto-doc had done most of the work already. Quite industrious. It almost cut into all my investigation. Once it had removed the brain and I had misplaced it, other organs were crying for directions using your nerves as telegraph wires. Rather then letting them send their signals, I removed them as well. Shhhh, Little Organs go to sleep in your tanks. Dala Loves you." Dala said.

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