The Caesarian Senate and the Leonid Rebellion

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Pompey had drawn up a list, it was lengthy and Caesar was looking it over. It was the legislative term, positions, power structures and how they would operate. In a simple explanation, the Senate was the civil legislative arm of the Legion now, the army would need to separeate itself from the control, and this was the first step, the foundation that was drawn up.

The Senate was made up of those individuals who achieved the rank of Centurion, or higher, and were of 40 years of age. Those were the most basic qualifications that Pompey had created.

This creates a decently sized pool of individuals, in time. The senate also doesn't have the power to pass the laws, they can advise, and serve as a force of tradition, in other words, they are allowed to debate topics and discuss, putting pressure to pass a specific subject.

The head of the State, is the one who holds the title of Caesar, they are the military commander, and are the only figure allowed to be connected to the senate and military at the same time. They can be selected from only Legates or Consuls. This is a life long appointment, unless challenged by both the Senate and Legates.

In terms of positions inside of the senate, the Consul are the second highest judicial authority, under only the Position of Caesar. There are 4 in total, and 1 per province. They served for 1 year term, but cycled through the lead position, each chair held for 3 months. The head consul would take the case, but the 3 under would vote on the jury.

Former Consuls would speak after, and held no authority except for the status of the position. In terms of the power, they could not hold consecutive terms, unless directly appointed by Caesar for multiple terms. They can become consul again, after 5 years.

Below them were Praetors, not to be confused with his Praetorians, Praetors were responsible for the public festivals and games. This position is held by 6 people, who serve as chair for 2 month each. They can not be elected for a consecutive term, unless dictated by Caesar. They are eligible for reelection after 5 years.

Finally, there was a position that Caesar looked at, confused.

Tribunes. An elected position in the army, they had a unique ability, they could come from any position, and could Veto a vote. There were 12 of them who served for 1 year. And they could be elected for consecutive terms.

"These reforms and positions would be interesting, I do agree with the concept." Caesar said.

"We can downsize the numbers and have it work as regional efforts as well, subtracting the position of Caesar of course. " Pompey explained.

"The position of Tribune is...interesting, why do you want to add that in?" Caesar asked.

Pompey froze for a second, then answered.

"The position is to add in a limited element of democracy, if we just have centurions, it can be seen as a meritocracy, if we have representation of the lower ranks, they can have a voice to defend their own interests. Think of it as a safe measure, making a net to catch eggs in a basket." Pompey said.

"It's an interesting perposal. I will select the first consuls and praetors, of course. But that leave an important question, we need to decide where the first meeting shall be held, in an official capacity, the local senate is rather.....troublesome.

It was across the legion, in the holdings of Octavian, Octavian was meeting with the master of the pit.

"Hybrida, it is good to meet with you. Tell me, what of the slaves, are they ready for the recreation of the destruction of the Ridgers?" Octavian asked, smiling.

"They are ready, though sir, there are many of them, I feel that I need more guards around the schools." Hybrida explained, nervous.

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