The Day Before

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Abbey explained, that she would shut herself down, and could be moved across the portal, before she is reactivated, and could run a diagnostic, and continue from there. As Abbey explained, demonstrating how the turn her back on (get out of the gutter), she powered down. Abbey was placed on a hand trolley, and carried through. 

Everyone else stepped through the portal, and were greeted by a fairly active location. Near by was a formation of soldiers marching down a gravel road. Several rows of buildings. However, there were also soldiers gathered around a tent, as some of the soldiers were grilling, sitting around. Some near by were also weight lifting, some were playing tackle football.

Abbey reactivated and after a few seconds, with clicking noises, she spoke.

"Connection to House Servers has been disconnected, loading internal backup. Complete." Abbey's eye glowed red, before the shutter adjusted and she took a few steps. 

A man in fatigues walked to the group, before showing some papers to Sebastian Wells.

"This way, we have created several temporary housing, It will be one day before we will leave, some very simple tests, just, making sure nothing we don't know of came across with you." An Army Intelligence officer explained.

As they moved away from the portal, Akeisha Moon looked at her Pipboy. The Geiger counter was completely still. Normally, there would be at least one tick of radiation every once in a while, a bounce, something, was still. She slowed down, and looked to Jonas, who took out his own Geiger counter, seeing it also was picking up nothing, now that they were away from the portal.

"Does that mean there isn't any radiation here?" Akeisha asked

"Well, besides UV radiation, but nothing like what's on the other side. Sure, there's a few spots that are dangerous, but there the exception, not a norm. Some places are a bit bad, old waste disposal sights, one place in Eurasia." Ethan said.

Everyone that was there, that had come from the other world, heard this, and were surprised. As they got to the "housing" each person was shown their own room, which were basically all the same, minus some pre-placed items, mostly, briefings and summaries of information that would be important to know.

Maximillian Silver entered the room, only to find that there was someone waiting, wearing a suit and glasses. He turned on a light, and turned around.

"Now, Mister Silver. From what I understand, is you are from a group known as "The Legion". We have met one of your spies, and well, we are interested in having you explain something." He said, before pulling out a photocopy of the translated list.

"This spy wanted to kidnap a soldier, and replace him, I'm assuming with one from your own faction. We would like to make sure this isn't a normal action taken by the legion. If it is, well, many issues will be coming, including artillery." the CIA agent explained.

Maximillian read the note, and his mind was racing, out of everything he had to deal with, this wasn't one he planned for.

"No, this is not a practice done by the Legion. The Legion itself is rather large, and diverse, something we are rather proud of for being. However, like many other large groups, we do have some dissidence, and militarily, we have been finding more and more radical idealists coming forward with such ideas. We do not act on them, mostly. Some of the commanders will use the radical's ideas as they hold the better results. This is a reflection of a minority, not the majority." Silver explained.

The CIA agent pulled a book from the drawer, and stood up. He set the book on the nightstand, before leaving. Maximillian walked over to the nightstand and looked at it, on the front was the symbol an eagle on a staff, carried by an armored figure, it looked like that of a centurion, but, different. The book read "The Republic of Rome, A history of the Rise of the Legions that would create an Empire "

Opening the book up, Maximillian, would read, and take mental notes of how similar, this republic was to the Legion.

Markus was in his room, when he looked at the books. Medical, technological, history, laws, literature, even some magazines, nothing stood out to him. As he dragged his finger across the spines of the books, his finger bent a bit further back. Looking at the book, he glanced.

"Repeated Travesty, the Natives of the Americas." he picked it up and looked at the book, flipping through the pages, until he came across a large picture, a picture of soldiers shooting at cowering people, teepees burned, it was showing the weak being killed.

"Repeated Travesty......maybe this could change Papa's suicidal direction of the tribe. Markus took out a small case that he had in his vest. Opening it, many small pills, a bottle, and a gaseous vial , with a breathe nozzle. Picking up the nozzle, he pressed down, and breathed in. Laying back, he enjoyed the relaxing high.

John Nox was busy with the report, reading it, re-reading it. However, his focus was would also go to something else. A book about the United States, this united states. He also found the book titled "The Prince". 

John Nox, was writing, making a list, things that he would need to bring up, hearts and minds strategy. He also learned how the NCR should run the Republic, how a state should be run.

Scribe Jonas was looking over every book about History at his disposal. He was searching for what the difference was, what had caused the change. He had a only been able to tell one main thing, the application, was more focused on weapons, he had noticed, the biggest change, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, broke apart, before the turn of the millennium. It seemed the War on the Reds was something that had ended, it gave rise to new thinking, and technology. As he got up to get a bottle of clean water, he noticed "Starship Troopers" was on a shelf. Pulling it out, he began to read....and continued to read.

The story was..... thought provoking. His focus was being drawn to the contents of the story, he was finding it hard to put the book down.

Abbey, was pecking away at a computer keyboard, she was able to connect a jack into the computer, to download data. She was currently looking for involved World news, major countries, consumer info, economics, large events of 20 around the world, with the last 10 years of United States events. Abbey downloaded the patents of notable inventions. House had given her a specially modified storage compartment located in her torso so that she could store 10 Holodisks.

Akeisha was busy, she had grabbed and placed medical journals, notes on agriculture, she was busy trying to learn what she could.

William Meyers....a former sheriff, a prisoner for 2 years, and now on parole, doing community service to pay off his last 2 years of his sentence. He had written down a list.

"List of Issues that need to be addressed
Food- rare outside of towns
Clean Water- rare everywhere
Radiation- very common
Wild animals attacks- dangerous
Travel- Very Dangerous
Communication- Near non-existent

Threats: Gangs, Raiders, Cannibals, Mutants"

He leaned back in his chair, looking at the ceiling, before he sighed.

"I got a lot of issues I need to talk about to fix the towns. I just hope I can do right by the people." He said, taking off his hat to cool down.

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