The McCarren Case: Breaking

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Nick walked in to the rather small room, it had a hole in the far wall, with glass that showed a Centurion sitting in a chair. The mix matched pieces of armor was odd. 

"Surprised Detective?" Boyd asked, seeing Nick standing and just looking at the Legionary. 

"Just the first time I've been able to see a Legionary." Nick noted.

"Well this isn't just a legionary, this is a Legion Centurion, the mid-ranked commanders of the Legion. Silus here, happen to be the only member of his failed raid that we captured alive." Boyd explained

"A centurion. So he lead a group of soldiers. Meaning, he has more info, and isn't talking. You want me to chew the fat this guy has." Nick said, turning to look at Boyd.

"Yeah. Something about him stands out, most would have gutted themselves when faced with failure. He didn't. Now we are just trying to piece together what he knows." Boyd explained to Nick.

Nick stared at the man behind the glass before he says towards Boyd "Have some of your boys bring in a desk into that room. I have a method i think that will make him sing like a stool pigeon."

Boyd looked at Nick with a slightly raised eye brow before she turns to carry out the request, Nick made another as he adds "id also like our red skirt wearing friends file if that's not to much to ask."

"I can get everything we know, but it's more like a notecard." Boys said, before she walked out and two troopers carried a table through the door, as the Centurion was held down.

Soon they came, the troopers left with the now Centurion left alone in the room for what felt like minutes, then hours until finally the door opens and in walks Nick with his suit top off showing his suit vest with his shoulder holster, badge on his belt. Behind him was Boyd still in uniform as Nick sits down with a folder, small as it was in front of the legion member. 

"Must say from what the good officer besides me told me, your types about as rare as a virgin unicorn in a barn full of seasons studs. If ya catch my meaning." Nick says while looking at the folder, not even looking up at the man sitting across from him.

"That stable would be filled with the gored corpses of any who throught they coule be my equal." Silus said, annoyed at the insinuation.

Who is this whelp? Is this some tactic to make me reveal more information?" Silus asked, confused, before he narrowed his eyes on Nick.

Nick not even looking up from the folder, even taking a sip of his coffee says with a clearly clinical tone of voice "Valentine. Nick Valentine. Detective with the New Vegas Police Department on loan to the NCR Army Military Police to help with my colleagues issues that they requested our help for." 

Setting down his cup, then closing the folder he sets it down as he looks Silus directly in the eyes. 

"Now it is my job to inform you that you have certain rights, among those is to ask if you would like some coffee, maybe water, or hell even a smoke." Leaning forward a little Nick adds "but i doubt you would ask for such things would ya?"

Silus was a bit confused. Was this to try and make him slip up and reveal something. 

"Well, if you are making such an offer. I'd prefer to see you both with bomb collars." Silus said, looking at the folder of papers...did they have more on him then what he told them? And why was a profligate from Vegas working with the NCR military?

Nick simply raised an eyebrow, "bomb collars you say? Hoping to hold use hostage for ransom. Maybe use us as some sort of suicide bomber perhaps?" Silus eyes widen slightly at the last bit but quickly schooled his features as to not show any reaction.

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