Setting the Record Straight

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Scarlet and the Pathfinders were looking over the current numbers she had available for her detachment. In simple terms, she was having forces patrol up and down the Colorado river, and locating launching points the Legion has. The other issues that exists are the protection of Novac from wild life, and searching for other threats. If terms of free soldiers, it was just about a handful, that being...her squad, of 4. The injured were still being escorted and taken for treatment, so there was more focus on protecting the escorts on the ground.

"We really need some extra forces. But I doubt the US can divert some with the NCRCF being idiot proofed." Scarlet said, referring to the testing of the rebuilt prison, primarily, fences and gates, done by a group of marine transfers, army who wanted to be marines, but didn't quite qualify.

Scarlets SIC nods in agreement as he strokes his chin slightly, "best option would be to radio command to see what forces can be sent our way from base, or maybe even contact the NCR and see what forces they can spare for our AO."

Scarlet nods slightly as she cups her chin in thought as she remembers that one of their objectives, or at least goals, was to be more friendly with the NCR forces deployed tot he region, so a co-operation could work for the long run. However the current issue was the need of man power and man power was what her path finders needed at this moment with the unknown threat towards the old Repconn test site.

Scarlet would walk to the medical transport being loaded, before she would open the passenger door, climb in and reach for the radio.

"This is Pathfinder 2-Actual, Come in Americana Base Actual. We have potential threat located West of Novac area. Can not investigate we are low on Manpower, requesting support. Over."

"We are reading you Pathfinder 2-Actual. No forces available at this time, Stand by and we will update when forces are avalible."

Scarlet, annoyed, sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "Solid Copy. Pathfinder-2 Actual will hold position until then. Over and Out."

Scarlets SIC just looks at her as he says, "so what did the higher ups have to say about our request? Or did they in no certain terms tell us to sit and do nothing."

"You whipped it right in the testicles with that guess." She said, before she walked over to a tent and sat down, seeing a merchant inside.

"What are you offering?" Scarlet asked.

"Guns, ammo, some armor, I think I got some food, oh, and some whiskey and Nuka Cola." The merchant said.

Scarlet sighs as she start to look at what she and her people might need interms of supplys, or what the brass might want to send the eggheads to study. But while the members of Pathfinder 2 might be dealing with man power issues, those of McCarran's command was currently being informed of what was being done with the wounded, as the US military liason was sitting in Colonel Hsus office.

"Colonel understand that right now those wounded troopers of yours are being sent across the gate to save their lives, i have been informed that once their fit for duty they will be sent back across and sent right here so that you may conduct re-assignments and redeployments." Said a Airforce Major to Colonel Hsu.

Hsu would look down at the report, around 2 dozen soldiers were injured and needed serious care, that would have left them dead in a tent.

"We understand. The NCR will be footing the bill, once all the costs are figured. We appreciate this." Hsu added, before he got a message over the radio from Camp Gulf, that a convoy of vehicles were moving past Outpost Charlie.

The USAF Major sighs internally as he was happy this wasnt going to be turned into a shouting match over how and why the NCR forces shouldnt be taken care of by their medics like how things were in the middle east.

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