Murder for One

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The low hums of a radio could be heard playing in a upscale hotel room as a young woman in her twenties stands in front of a full length mirror, adjusting her dress. A lovely light red with a flower design on the skirt, her jewels a set of pearls shining in the light with red lipstick upon her puffy lips which causes her already attractive features to become even more vibrant.

With a smile the young woman grabs a spray bottle and with a light squeeze of the egg shaped ball she sprays her choice of perfume, mango number 5, finally grabbing her handbag the young woman begins to walk out of her room only to stop as she hears a scuffle next door, the young woman stayed by the door of her room until finally the sounds stop and the door next to her room opens as the sounds of rapid feet hitting the ground like a race animal causes the woman's heart to beat like a drummer does his drum set.

Once the young woman believes its safe to step out, she opens her door silently before going to the now slightly opened door which is neighboring her own, slowly she approaches, fear creeping up her spine until finally she opens the door to the room fully. Upon seeing what was beyond the door caused the young woman's fears to finally erupt like a cork of a champagne erupting from the bottle as she gives a blood chilling scream which fills the hallway.


The Strip was alive with news

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The Strip was alive with news. A murder had been committed. The NCR had limited options, it had involved an NCR citizen, however, it was in the Ultra-luxe, who were less than fully cooperative, due to their statement of fact the Strip, wasn't apart of the NCR. The Room was quartered off, however, people were allowed to come and go from the hotel and casino as they wished. Little could be done on the part of the NCR, however, that would be different, with the other Police on the Strip.

Now while the NCR was being stone walled by the Ultra-luxe staff, little could be done once the sound of police sirens filled the area as US Military police along with a C.S.I. Team filled the area, even when the staff attempted to stop them, a warrant was produced and had the signature of the big man himself, Robert House. The king of New Vegas.

"Your paper work is official, however, we can not shut down, we would be ruined, our reputation would be in scrambles and the profit loss would be too great to recover from. The only way I am going to allow the Ultra-Luxe to be shut down is if all other Casino's shut down their gambling halls for the time in which we are down!" Mortimer shouted, as he shoved the official warrant into the chest of the US MP.

"Mortimer, enough. Look, I would just like to talk to the person in charge of your detachment, get an idea of what will be going on." Marjorie said.

"He is on his way, it's just going to be a minute." the MP said.

Soft music fills the air as a man in a dark suit with a fedora cock to the side of his head as he walks down the side walk of the New Vegas Strip, as he thought 'New Vegas, heh. If my time in the Boston Police as a Detective has taught me anything its that nothing is ever new, its old trying to be new, like this city of sin, yeah you could try and clean it up, make it look nice like a postcard they sell at a overpriced gift shop, but at the end of the day New Vegas is still that. Vegas a city of sin, a city of greed, a city debauchery and lawlessness.' The old Detective couldn't help but chuckle as he thinks back to how he ended up in this version of sin city.

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