The McCarren Cases

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McCarren, in the pre world and a world that has not known the horrors of nuclear fire was a place that allowed anyone to travel the vast lands upon machines that could get anyone anywhere much faster then traveling by land

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McCarren, in the pre world and a world that has not known the horrors of nuclear fire was a place that allowed anyone to travel the vast lands upon machines that could get anyone anywhere much faster then traveling by land.

Of course for those who live in the mojave wasteland McCarren is now the main base of operations for the New California Republic military who has converted the old pre war airport into the main base of operations for all mojave operations. However unlike the early days of the Mojave campaign which was riffed with troubles, raider attacks, and even logistical problems, now thanks to the addition of an other worldly ally of the united states military those issues are all but a thing of the past.

That is expect for the issues facing the current head of the military police who is currently sitting at her desk looking at the cases her office was facing, with a sigh she pinches the bridge of her noise thinking these cases will never be solved that is ofcourse until her ears hears a report from the radio "NEWS MY DEAR LISTERNERS ! Today the boys and girls in blue of both the US and NCR released a statement stating that thanks to the joint efforts of the brave men and women of the military police which conducted a successful raid at the Ultra Lux the perpetrators of a cannibal conspiracy will be facing true justice! Infact! And get this my listeners one heck gunderson has stated he will be opening up trade with the united states! Man talk about a grateful father am I right !"

The head of McCarrens NCRMP division perks up her head as she turns towards the paper sitting on her desk as she slowly picks it up and reads the massive headline as well as gazing at the front page photo.

The image shows a man in a trench coat dragging the top hat, if not bruised faced Mortimer out of the Ultra Lux. The headline read "Cannibals' thrown in cages" the subtitle under the photo read "US Detective Nick Valentine, along with NCR MP Marie Pappas worked together to solve a missing person's case, uncovering a much deeper conspiracy.

The soldier's at Camp McCarren were surprised, some celebrating the PR victory, to the US it was a sign we were solving problems. The victory was short lived, as more issues were arising.

A Legion Centurion was brought in, the stealing of Water Rations meant for the NCR Sharecroppers, and the believed security breaches about patrols, something was causing problems, and now a new set of eyes were on their way, some Private Eyes.

New Vegas Strip

Newly Built NV MPD HQ

'My names Nick, Nick Valentine. I'm a detective. I wear a badge and carry gun.' Nick monologue as he walls the strip towards the newly built building which was gifted to them by mister house himself. 'Its my job to put scum behind bars and keep these mean streets safe for regular law abiding folks.' soon he begins walking up the steps of the former VPD building 'that's what we badges do, for we are the shield against the underbelly that is crime.'

As he walks in he's greeted by smiling officers and NCRMP who wave at him or great him as they go about their day trying bring law and order to a lawless wasteland.

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