The Big MT P4

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William left the Think tank, walking his way back towards the X-8 Facility.

"Let's see what type of crazy this place is" William said.

"Yeah. Depending on the lead, could determine the type of crazy. I bet it was 8 who was in charge." Halazbin said.

"Well, no reason to delay. Come on boy, let's go." William said, hearing a fearful whine from the dog gun.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I think it's scared. This may be interesting." Halazbin said.

William reached the X-8 research facility. He entered and found a rather dark room, with a light shining from a window, with robotic arms moving beyond it. Finding the flashlight feature on his Arm Computer, he walked over, seeing the arms were operating on a pile of ground meat and bones. He shook his head.

"Don't know what I expected." William said to himself.

"But this definitely isn't one thing we did." Halazbin said.

He walked over to a terminal, it was unlocked. Moving and selecting the first option, he read through the "Test",  the facility.

"In this test, YOU will take the role of one of those Evil Commies, infiltrating an Institution of HONEST AMERICAN LEARNING. (Don't worry Citizen, it's only pretend!) Your objective is to steal documents a REAL dirty Commie (Which you are not) would use to BRAINWASH OUR CHILDREN (Which you wouldn't do.) THis test is to test is to help protect our children's fragile minds from the agents of INTERNATIONAL COMMUNISM! Agents like YOU

Just kidding! We know you are a loyal American! AREN'T YOU?"

"What the hell is with the McCarthyism level propaganda? So, I guess I'm going into like a university or lab of some sort to steal documents. Then I guess I will get the code for this thing." William said to himself, pulling out the Sonic Emitter gun from a side pocket, looking at it. 

"Cool, doing some secret agent stuff. I wonder what type of defenses they will have. Robots that will light up to signal if you get caught, got to switch files and all that cool James Bond stuff." Halazbin said.

William rolled his eyes at the comment, before stepping away from the terminal, holstering the sci-fi gun. Walking around more, he found a few coffins piled up in a corner, and skeletons on the table. He shook his head.

"I guess grave robbing must have been some way they got bodies, a hard inspection of this place will be needed after I get out of here, lot of tech.....and crazies." He thought to himself.

"Yeah, who knows what could be found, both in....and under this place." Halazbin said.

Reaching a set of steps and going up them, he reached the door reading "Testing Area". The terminal next to it was on, so William walked over, looking a the screen. He selected "Enter Institutional Data Retrieval" then clicked "basic Test". Reading the little terms 

"For this test you must retrieve three student files from an average high school. Basic security has been engaged.

Success- retrieve three student files

Failure- security measures prohibit you from retrieving the files"

William backed up and walked to the door.

"Shouldn't that be the other way around, if it's shown to be a success or failure." Halazbin asked.

"I think it means like, for the task being done. I can't really picture scientists being spies, especially in a high school." William commented

The dog gun whimpered.

"Poor boy, we just have to get through this, then I'll check to see if there's an issue." William said.

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