The Big MT P5

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William had found another of his squad mates, it was Near the X-8 facility, called Z-14, It was still on a hill, but it had some dangers all of it's own. Halazbin said that inside were some pretty dangerous bugs, known as Cazadors, massive bugs, based on the Tarantula Hawk Wasps, but larger.  

William climbed the steps, reaching the door that was marked with a flag like design.

"Whoever was leaving these must have some connection to the United States, maybe a ghoul, or something." He said, walking towards the door, he opened it, seeing a simple area, notes, a few other things, and a pile of body parts.

"Or it could be some of the other soldiers who went missing, and were trapped here. Leaving marks to try and help those trapped inside." Halazbin said.

"Yeah, but.....13 stars? It's not any design we would use." William said, adjusting his grip on the dog gun, it growled and William rubbed the side.

"Easy boy." He said, attempting to calm the dog.

Walking inside, the insider were cramped, with only a set of steps going down, he looking down the steps, the doors were open and William was hearing a buzzing sound. Suddenly a giant, dog sized wasp turned the corner. William pulled the trigger, and the dog gun opened fire. The bullets pierced the body several times, before the bug fell down, the wings twitching, making William fire a few more times, to make sure it was dead.

"Ok, well, at least we killed it." Halazbin said.

"Yeah, just seems.......surprising, bit risky to fight in these close quarters." William said.

Walking down the steps, he saw another one, before he aimed, opened fire. The bullets flew through the wings, tearing them apart, before it fell and crawled at him. As it got close, William brought his foot down, stomping on the head a few times, until it exploded.

He walked into the building, hearing buzzing and tapping against the metal doors. Looking at the tracker, he was in one of the rooms. Grabbing a frag grenade he had used caps to buy from the Sink, he pulled the pin, and walked to a door. Opening it slightly, he tossed the grenade in and closed it tight. The grenade exploded, and the buzzing stopped.

"Easier to not fuck with that kind of shit." William said.

"Agreed." Halazbin said, nodding, or at least William thought he would nod in this case.

He walked over to another one, and did the same. Eventually he reached the end of a hallway, to a massive door. He took 2 mines out from his pack, ones he bought from the Sink, placed them at the door's archway, and opened it, backing up and taking position near his gun. Inside he saw a larger creature. He opened fire and the bug flew at him, before it passed over the mines, making them explode. 

He walked over, stepping on the shredded remains of the bug, when he noticed something, 3 glowing blue ring like objects. Reaching for it, he picked it up, seeing they were connected, and had a white thing spinning around it. He looked at it, before shrugging, and walked inside the room.

Looking around, he found a note.

"The Atomic-Valerce radii-accentuator that have been leant have greatly aided the experimentation with the Cazadors we have, clearing us of the poison that they produce, and aiding in recovery of wounds. Please note, we have found that they work best when worn over the head. We had an incident with a set, having two break, but we were able to have it recovered, creating the Tri-radii-oscillator, having the ability to heal at triple the speed of the standard radii-accentuator.

William took it off his helmet and put it on his head, feeling much better, and stronger.

"Now you're an archangel right there." Halazbin said.

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