Come Fly With Me

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Nasa, a simple little word that has defined many of humanity's greatest achievements, Nasa being the nickname for National Aeronautics and Space Administration is not only a think tank of pure scientific research, but also a collection of like minded people who wished to explore and understand space, the finale frontier.

Now one might wonder why this is relevant? Or even why its related to the events happening on the other side of a portal which leads to a post global nuclear war world.

Well the answer to that is with the current Administrator whos face is currently in both of their hands, at their desk, within their office, with a white house courier currently standing infront of them who delivered both a report that had went through not only the portals central command, not only the DOD at the pentagon, but even went through every level of government until it landed on the Presidents desk who read it and was qouted saying "im no damn rocket scientist! Send it to the folks at Nasa!" To which it did and is why we are back with the Administrator who is currently still breathing slowly into both of his hands to try and not be angry at both report and message laying on his desk.

The message on the letter was rather clear.

"We have encountered a version of America through a portal like phenominon that is an irradiated wasteland version of the Mojave, with advancements in technology. In our securing of the region, we have encountered a rocket testing site that is being inhabited by zombie-like beings who seek to use the rockets to continue their journey. The current situation has the rockets needing repairs to thruster control and atomic fuel before "the journey" continues. Currently holding position, however the leader of the zombie-like being cult is pushing for the completion. Advisement is needed."

Dragging his hands down, he released a long sigh, of frustration.

"Why........just......what the hell did I do to have this end up in my hands?" He asked himself. 

The Admin soon looks at the courier as he asks, "I can only assume that the ground forces of the US Army is still at the facility yes?" The Courier nods which results in the Admin saying, "ill get those new orders written up along with a team on the way." Turning towards his computer he begins typing away to try and make sure nothing explodes like the early rocket prototypes they had when Nasa attempted to land a man on the moon.

The Administrator of Nasa handed the courier the letter, who rushed it back to the President for approval, who sent it to the DOD at the pentagon, who sent it to the Gate Head Quarters, who sent it through the portal, who then radioed it to McCarren, who then sent it to the Novac team and then Scarlet was handed the orders, with an ETA of 2 hours.

Speaking of Scarlet, she would get the message roughly fifteen minutes after from her second in command and her younger junior Captain Annie of the NCR, the reason for this fifteen minute delay one might ask?

Well its because Scarlet is currently riding on the back of a rather large Gecko outside of a radioactive disposal facility with one hand holding the large reptiles head back and another holding a hatchet while she exclaims at the top of her lungs, "YOUR SCALLY ASS IS MINE!" Before bringing down the small axe weapon down into the large creatures neck, all in full view of Scarlet and Annie's teams.

"Is she always like this?" Annie asked.

"I think if you said any of this would happened, before we were sent here, anyone would believe we found what it takes to drive an native pathfinder to try and create a new path to a warcheif, finding Zombie wasteland Jesus, and then finding an idiot who died because he wanted to be a super hero after drinking Atomic Rocket Fuel, in a toxic waste dump, probably would do it when put in a span of 24 hours." Blackbear recaped.

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