Nelson and Novac

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Night time was a peaceful time for those of the Mojave, and for those at Nelson, it just another boring night of watch as the NCR troops were in sandbag bunkers looking out at the desert, their service rifles lay prop upon the sandbags as the troopers listen to the radio tuned to the Little Americana channel playing a song which was new to them.

"Purple Haze all around
Don't know if I'm comin' up or down"

The two troopers sitting in the sandbag bunker were either smoking or just lazing about as they listen to the radio, "man this sucks, when i signed up i was hoping for something a bit more. Instead I'm stuck in this bunker just watching the desert." One trooper comments.

"Could be worse. Since the... fuck, what do we call them? The Americans? The US? Since the no-war united states showed up, the Legion has been quiet? With a few exceptions, there have been fuck all in terms of attacks now." The other said, as he closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair.

The other private just sighs as he leans back in his chair, "yeah speaking of which, I heard that alot of those guys are now at the airport helping retrain the washouts, while some of us are getting lucky and getting deployed at Little Americana, lucky bastards being that close to American Mel." He then looks up and has a far off smile, "American Mel...shit what I would do to get a chance to have a go at her." He chuckles a bit.

"From what I heard, she's a model from across the line, all the right curves and plump in all the right places, make any man her toy." He said, smiling as his imagination wander, before he was slapped.

"I'm right here, do that in your bunk." The trooper said, disgusted.

That got a laugh from his fellow trooper only to see a glint in the distance, which causes him to sit up, "the hell? Hey i might have something." He says before bringing up a pair of pre-war binoculars looking into the darkness, adjusting his vision he picks up the outlines of something.

A whistling was heard before a light was seen. Before the pair of troopers could react, the sandbags were blown apart, as a rocket flew in and exploded, sending two of the troopers back confused, and injured.

"What the hell!" One asked.

Yelling was heard from Nelson, something was going on, fires could be seen being set.

"Legion! The Legion is attacking!" The other said.

Soon gunfire filled the night air as tracer rounds filled the valley below as the two troopers quickly grab their rifles and went running towards the defensive trenches as they began shooting into the darkness, not even sure if their hitting anything as war crys of the legion attackers could be heard over the gun fire.

From the hill behind, Legion Snipers began to shoot down at the NCR troopers, killing a few, before Mongrels rushed forward and would bite the NCR Soldiers.

"RETREAT! Signal camp gulf! We need to retreat from NELSON! NELSON IS LOST!"

Before anyone could think of carrying out the retreat a new cry of voices filled the air along with the sound of foot falls which sound like a large animal, Of course what followed next was the sound of gun fire coming from behind which caused the troopers to think the legion had flank them, only for a woman's voice to cut through the air. 

"HERE! HERE!" Soon a horse jumps over the two troopers as the sight of a scarlet haired woman is seen shooting her rifle from the back of her horse before dismounting as she orders from the top of her lungs, "HOLD WHAT YOU GOT!" Before turning back towards the legion as she continues to return fire.

Two more mounted soldiers cam rushing in, before dismounting. As a dog of the legion rushed forward, one of them gripped their gun's barrel and swung, hitting the dog with their stock, before pushing it away. The NCR trooper noticed that the soldier had a knife tied to his weapon, so it was like a spiked club.

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