Then it breeds

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"Dianna Kane Hartman. Born March 7th of 1993 in Dallas Texas. Joined the marines as soon as you turned seventeen. After your graduation at Parris Island you were deployed to the middle east for Operation Enduring Freedom with 1st Battalion, 23rd Marine. After your two tours you then went into force recon at the rank of Lance Corporal and went on to do an additional tour in the middle east. Only by the time you reached the rank of Staff Sergeant were you then recommended by your commander into the Marine Raiders for which you passed, which again lead you to conduct more then a few convert operations in not just the middle east but a mighty fine few other areas of the globe." Said a voice.

Said voice continues "by the time you attained the rank of Gunny you had earned yourself not just medals for bravery but a good amount of purple hearts and even a medal of honor recommendation for going above and beyond the call. A very clean and honorable service record for a marine such as you which leads us as to the question of why such a decorated marine such as yourself is currently standing here in this military tribunal hearing over the actions for which have taken over the course of three days Gunny Sergeant Hartman." Said a U.S. Navy Colonel who was seated beside Colonel Hsu, an Army Captain, and Hartman's CO a Major with her marine regiment.

All staring at Hartman who stood at attention in her Marine issued Blue Dress 'C' Uniform which was a tan top with blue pants with a service cap under her arm.

"That would be do to extenuating circumstances that involved insurgent like elements that were causing problems. They had attacked an American citizen and, it is my duty in a hostile environment, to ensure the safety of United States Citizens both domestic and Abroad. The report that came along with this hearing should explain that I accompanied allied forces with the objective to kill identified leaders of the hostile forces." Gunnery Sergeant Hartman explained.

The Navy Colonel nods "yes and while many are more then happy to hear that your wife is going to make a full recovery that doesn't excuse the fact that you went AWOL without informing your superiors Gunnery Sergeant." Said the Navy Colonel who was staring at the lady marine square in the eyes.

A slight cough from Hartmans CO caused her to look at him as the Major says "why don't we start from the beginning Gunny. After you were informed about your wifes condition."

"Ok sir."

-flashback, 1 week ago-

Camp McCarren's quiet was very suddenly interrupted as the First Recon's missing members were recovered. 10 of Spades and Corporal Betsy. 10 of Spades' head was covered in swelling bruises and cuts, however, Corporal Betsy was covered in cuts, and shaking, along with other clear signs of what happened to her by the torn unifrom

Gunny pulled the tent flap open and rushed to Betsy's side.

"What happened?" She demanded to know.

"A patrol team found her and her partner in fiend territory. Spades was stumbling around blind with his face busted up, carrying Betsy, she's near catatonic. Won't stop shaking. That's all we know so far, we need to get her bandaged the hub, looks like we need to flush her out." the medic said, lifting the sheet that covered her.

"I was informed that Corporal Betsy and her partner, 10 of Spades, were recovered from Fiend Territory in the ruins of South Vegas. When I learned of this, I went to investigate and was informed that she was assaulted, and left for dead. After I learned of this, I approached Lieutenant Gorobets of the NCR First Recon, and volunteered myself on their mission to hunt down 3 of the higher ranking members of the organization known as the Fiends, a heavily armed hostile force that had assaulted both NCR and United States forces in the area."

"Of course, sir. I miss interpreted the understanding of "as soon as possible" to mean, immediately. I would go and grab my gear, and go to the meet up point the First Recon had stated. We would together, hunt the leader known as "Driver Nephi"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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