Murder For One

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Previously on MURDER FOR ONE! Detective Valentine with Maria have narrowed their investigation, after an attempt on the Detective's life, and the heavy handed questioning of the NCR, they found who hired the gunman. Now Both the NCR and USMP are preparing a daring raid to save the child of a wealthy Baron.  Now with your meal prepped, and being brought out, enjoy the final installment of MURDER FOR ONE!

  Now with your meal prepped, and being brought out, enjoy the final installment of MURDER FOR ONE!

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The plan was simple. Step one was to evacuate the first floor of civilians calmly as the two teams prepared to breach the room. Maria leading team alpha which would come in through the main dinning room door where the big fancy dinner was being held. 

Team Bravo lead by Nick would come in from the kitchen, not only taking care of any possible threats, but also rescue the hostage and or hostages, and making sure no one tried to get out through the kitchens.

Phase 2, was to bust in like the DEA would on a Columbian-Cuban drug deal back in Miami during the 80s.

Now one would think that this would go off without a hitch, however what both teams did not expect was for one of the members to be packing a flamethrower. Which was why Team Bravo was not in position yet.

Nick along with the other soldiers were hiding at the corner which lead to the kitchens which their path was blocked by one white glove member with a flame thrower who was currently cooking meat hanging from hooks.

Nick slowly looking back to the team says in a low voice. "This...could be a problem."

"You're telling me." One soldier said, before peaking his head around the corner.

"Do we try and find a way around or what?" He added, looking at Nick.

"We are on a tight schedule, we have 5 minutes before Alpha team busts through the doors, and we need to be there at those doors before they burst in." Nick said.

The White glove finished searing the meet, when he turned off the nozzle and slid the fuel tank off his back. As he set it down, 2 MPs tackled and gagged the man, removing his mask and putting a cloth and pulling it tight, stopping him from talking.

Nick and the rest ran down the steps, reaching the area that Nick had been before, the kitchen, after passing the wine room. One White Mask was restrained in the kitchen, before a third was seen, running away from the MP's at the far end of the hall, and going up and Elevator.

Nick's watch beeped, signaling, the raid had begun.

Dinning room Entrance.

Maria was scared, honestly scared. Not because the fact that this is her first raid like in this old pre war police comics, no, she was scared that if she messed up and let any of them get away towards Nick then he would get hurt, and she wasnt gonna do that, or worse let Nick down and be disappointed in her.

Listening closely she waited for the moment when to bust down the door with the new toy her, and her men were given which was called by the other MPs as a 'Door knocker' which was a 30lb solid hunk of metal with handles which was being held by one of her men who had it ready to break the doors open.

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