Murder For One

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Previously on Murder For One! Nick Valentine, retired Boston Detective teamed up with Maria Pappas, and would investigate the lead they were given, leading them to the kitchens of the Ultra-luxe, where they met the big headed chef, named Phillippe. With the head cook now leads a trail to solving the mystery. Outside forces now conspire to end the journey of our daring detective. Settle in, as the table is reserved for "MURDER FOR ONE!"

While one trail goes cold, another opens up as now Nick and Maria are now talking with an older gentlemen with an expensive Stetson that wouldn't look out of place as a cattle auction

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While one trail goes cold, another opens up as now Nick and Maria are now talking with an older gentlemen with an expensive Stetson that wouldn't look out of place as a cattle auction. Nick with his note pad looks at the older man while his 'muscle' is seen tense as his eyes look around for any dangers while holding an over and under scatter gun.

"Now Mr. Gunderson you said that your son disappeared not to long after the body of the late Detective was found in his room. Is that correct?" He asks respectfully as Nick has dealt with blue bloods before, much like their wealth being bigger then his average paycheck, he also knew they're tempers were just as large as their wealth. Double goes for those who worked in the cattle industry.

"That's right, and when I find who took my boy, I'm going to have them dealt with the best way I know. I hope you can find my boy, if something happened to him, I don't know what would happen." Heck Gunderson said, as he looked at the detective.

Nick nods his head slightly as he says, "I can assure you that me and my fellow officers are very close, however i cant say much more because of this still being an active investigation. I hope you understand sir." Nick says as he closes up his notepad and puts it into his suit top before producing a card. "If you can think of anything else please contact me at this address." Nick said as he holds out a simple card with his name, badge number, and address for the co-operating military police head quarters.

"Much appreciated. I heard a lot about your guys in the Mojave zone, if everything goes well, maybe I can make a deal with Americana. Never hurts to have some good meat sources." Heck Gunderson said, before he looked at the body guard, and nodded, receiving a nod back.

"Seems like he's faster results." Maria said, as she looked at Nick.

Nick just chuckles as he shakes his head, "Well I'm just a simple cop sir, trying to keep the peace and uphold the law." He then tips his fedora toward Heck as he says, "have a good day sir." He

Before walking off towards the door as he lights up a cigarette before addressing the rookie trailing behind him.

"So green horn what's your take on this whole thing?" He asks as he blows out a drag of smoke.

"I think we need to do a full sweep of the kitchens, something felt off about that place. Also, something is scratching me the wrong way with our two hosts. Marjorie is always too distracted, something about that bothers me. And Mortimer, something about him, he's too clean in all of this, it's freaky." Maria said, looking at Nick.

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