The Big MT P1

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William stepped out, and finally could place his hand on the trigger of his new gun. Looking at the object on his wrist, he saw several areas he could go, with 3 high-lighted structures.

"Let's get a look at this. East seems like there's plenty of options for exploration. But the west seems to have a bit more mystery to it." Halazbin said.

X-13 Research Facility- The Stealth Suit Mk2
X-8 Research Center- Sonic Emmitter Frequency
X-2 Antenna Array- X2 Antenna

"Ok so I'm looking for things in these structures? A stealth suit, a frequency for the sound gun, and an antenna. It seems like you're going to be the only company I have for a while Hal." William said, as he looked around.

"Seems like it, but you at least have a dog as well." Halazbin said.

"What do you mean?" William was confused.

"The gun they gave you, it's has a dog brain inside." Halazbin explained. 

William looked down at the gun he'd been given, and was surprised.

"Man's best friend with a man's favorite tool." William said, patting the side of the gun, hearing a small bark from the dog.

"The floating crazies are also kind enough to load the map on this thing with the other locations you may need to visit....for some reason." Halazbin explained.


X-42 Robo-warfare Facility
X-22 Botanical Garden
X- 17 Meteorically station
Little Yangtze
Lost Hills Transmission
Saturnite Alloy Research Facility

X-66 Hexcrete archipelago
X-13 Research Center
X-12 Research Center
Z-43 innovative toxin plant
Z-38 lightwave dynamics research
X-7a "Left Field" Artillery Launcher

Higgs villiage
X-12 Research Center
Y-17 Medical Facility

X-8 Research Center
X-7b "Boom Town" Target Zone
Hazmat Testing Zone
Securitron Deconstruction Site
Waste Disintegration Platform
Z-9 Crotalus Preservation Lab
Z-14 Pepsinae splicing lab

William looked around. He decided to go to X-2 to maybe if he had the antenna, he could make contact with his team...or at least track their locations down. As he walked, he heard a....growling. Looking around he saw...a coyote...snake thing. Taking aim, William shot it in the head, before it dropped. 2 more popped out and attacked, only to be shot dead.

Walking up, he looked at it.

"What the actual fuck am I looking at here, snake head, rattle snake tail...coyote body. I feel like I'm going to have a big head ache at the end of all of this." William said, rubbing his head.

"Those my good sir, are night stalkers, creepy little things, poisonous, no, wait, venomous." Halazbin commented.

"Well at least you can help me with this stuff." William said, looking at the dead animals

He looked out, seeing the large satellite dish. As he walking the steps, he heard growling. With a bark, he was suddenly thrown. Rolling against the ground, William took aim, seeing robot dogs, charging him. Taking aim, he fired, he dropped two as the heads burst. A dog leapt on him, biting at him.

William grabbed his knife, slamming his knife in the neck, before the dog stopped moving. Pushing it off, he groaned. 

"Robot dogs? What's next? Zombies?" William asked.

"Oh no, the people outside of that dome, don't have brains, but are still able to use weapons." Halazbin commented.

He stood up and looked around, seeing two people crouching, in jumpsuits. They turned, before one pulled out a metallic glove, and the other pulled out an axe with a glowing blade. They both ran at him. William fired, hitting them in the chest, making them stumble, and one dropped to the ground. The other began to crawl up and still moved. Looking at the man, William stepped on the body, and fired at the head, killing the man. Taking off the mask, he saw the man had several cuts on the head.

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