Big MT Finale

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William walked up the steps, and saw his brain in a tank.

"Well if it isn't the meat bag." a british snarky voice said.

William looked at his brain, surprised.

"Why the fuck are you british?" William asked.

"Why is that the first question?" Halazbin said.

"Well, looks like without me your vocabulary has not improved all that much. I am hoping that you'd be gone, but I guess not. Perhaps I should have expected this, you and your logic less choices to serve others. You know, being out of you has been a rather nice blessing, no alcohol to damage me, no risk of being penetrated by a bullet, and more than enough smart pills to make me happy. As for my voice, there are limited voice synthesizers in this place." his brain said.

"No.....just.....processing everything that I have been through in the last...week. What about the other brains from the squad?" William asked.

"Oh, they were in the think tank, Your commander over there somehow wondered in through a sewer pipe, and has been watching blinking lights for 3 days. Trust me, meeting the idiot I got pulled out of has been equally if not more damaging to me than alcohol, good god man how much abuse are you willing to put yourself through!" his brain said.

"He has a point? This thing has been a little idiotically dangerous." Halazbin said.

"I'm willing to risk my body, and the fact I've done most of this with, tesla coils in my head connected to a radio signal from you is proof enough your still me, I think. Look brain. I just want to get out of here. I've been talking to a dog gun, a voice in my head and the now I'm talking to a suit, that I am not entirely sure if it is talking." William said.

"The suit can talk." Halazbin said.

"Yes, the suit does talk, but pointless when you have a talking stealth suit." Brain said.

"I've offered Mobius a way out, I'm going to do the same with the think tank. I just think it's better If I leave this place with what I came in with. With everyone." William said, looking over towards Sargent Richard Gears.

"Yeah, and a bit more." Halazbin said.

"I would like to see more places to hide." the suit said.

"You know, I have been thinking, and it is possible to take the think tank with you easier....the bodies of your friends. My understanding is that they didn't get the brain treatment, and well, the scientists have come up with an idea, using the sonic emitter, stealth suit and antenna you have. They planned to cram themselves in your empty noggin and leave that way, but well, Mobius ruined that plan." his brain explained.

William thought about it for a bit, pacing.

"It could work." Halazbin said.

William shook his head, "I'm not doing it, it's unethical, besides, that a 5 brains with 4 bodies." William said.

"Not exactly." Halazbin commented.

"How?! I'm not putting those crazies in the bodies of my squad and my self. I'm taking them back, as the people they were. Brain, look, let's make a deal. You come back with me, and I'll start listening to your input more. Do we have a deal?" William asked.

The brain floated, "Hmmmmm. Yes, but, first, 3 rules, 1, hygiene, you need to shower! 2, You WILL read something more than smut. 3. QUIT SMOKING!"

"I don't smoke, haven't had the cravings." William said.

"That's cause I got a chemical cleansing! I don't have cravings so you don't." Brain said.

"Deal." William said.

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