Come Fly With Me

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"So.....this is the place?" Blackbear asked.

"Yeah. looks like it. I'm counting 4......wait, 7 ghouls, 3 around statue, 4 are up top." Pretzel said, looking at the area with a pair of binoculars.

" know any of these guys... or what?" Blackbear said.

Pretzel just looked at Blackbear, giving him an annoyed expression, "I'm guessing you know who the tribals are from your name." Pretzel said sarcastically.

"I do not, I didn't mean it like that.....I just thought you've been here a while, you might know why they are here. I've been towards the north west of Vegas, I got moved back here incident involving a woman." Blackbear said, trailing off a bit.

"You fell in love with a prostitute...didn't you?" Pretzel asked.

"What? No, nothing like that......christ.....I'm not a marine." Blackbear explained.

Soon Blackbears radio goes off as Scarlet radios, "Recon Actual to scout 1, whats the status of the site over."

Blackbear soon replys back, "Recon Actual this is scout 1, we have 7 Zeds at the front and unknowns possibly in the building. Over."

The radio was silent as Scarlet says, "Solid copy. Report back to the convoy. Over and Out."

The pair got up and started to move back. They moved back, having reached a small walled area. A sandbag barricade was set up, with a dead ghoul and another big grey thing with a club of rebar near by.

"I've seen this style of clothing. It was just passed the canyon, near the overpass and billboard. Had an energy weapon on them too." Redwolf said, looking at the ghoul as he put it in the body bag.

"So.....this one and that other one were in a group. Keep an eye out, this may be more than we expected to this." Annie said, rubbing the back of her neck.

Scarlet nods in agreement as she raises her voice slightly, "Alright listen up! fighting these things head on is not a good idea. So were gonna take a page out of a book i happen to like and should work with this situation."

Pull out the map of the area that was taken thanks to the UAVs, Scarlet began outlining the plan. "Rifleman will line up in rows of two. Each man is to take careful shots and aim for the head. Yes I know their not zombies but heart shots don't seem to work so don't waste the ammo and aim for the head." She says looking at everyone present, taking a moment to let her plan so far set in.

"You know the protocol. No grenades. If you have Mines, set them up and lead them to them. Stick together, don't get swarmed." Annie said, as looking at Scarlet.

Scarlet nods, "good. Now Sharp shooters high up, if any strays wonder from our line of fire or they try to flank us. Take'em out."

Her units marksmen nods as she racks the bolt of her M110 which was painted up for the desert environment. While Boone simply nods as he says, "dont worry. My aim is true as is my rifles zero."

The Sharpshooter trio moved to the ridge as the two squads went out and  moved down the hill that slowly went to the statue. The Groups moved and made 2 lines, before carefully firing  at the ghouls. The Sharp Shooters would scan the stairs and fire at a ghoul that was running down. The head exploded and the body slid down the steps a short distance. The Ghouls which ran at them were shot several times before they fell to the ground, dead.

"Ok, start to move up." Annie said, as she had her squad move around the statue of the rocket and started up the steps.

"Clear. Eagle Eye, any more movement?" Scarlet asked.

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