Winds of Change

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The Editor of the Morning Star Post walked by the office of one of their reporters, seeing that the window was covered by papers. Unsure of what was going on, he walked over and knocked on the door. There was a crashing sound, as if dozens of aluminum cans fell over, before he opened the door, to see Mell Sutton, getting up. Her hair was all messy, with dark rings under her eyes, and her clothes were stained. The Editor got a whiff of the air and plugged his nose.

"Jesus Mell, when was the last time you showered? Or Cleaned? Hell when was the last time you left the office?" He asked, concerned for the reporter. (edited)

Mell just stared at her editor as she says, "What day is it?" The editor was a raised eye brow answers, "Its thursday." with a quick answer she says, "Two weeks." That got the editors wide eye attention as he says in shock. "TWO WEEKS!? Mell what the hell are you doing that you havent gotten any sleep for two whole weeks!?" Mell looks around before grabbing her boss and with all her strength pulls him into her office before quickly closing and locking the door.

Mell pointed to a messy image of the desert from a google earth, it had marked circle, nearly a mile wide.

"We firstly have this! This area was avoided, satellites didn't even take new photos of this one mile area. There is a road that leads to no where. I looked into it, it's not a hiking trail, there is nothing there, so why is there a road there. " She pointed to the string and followed it, before it came to a document that was marked with black ink.

"Next is this, I was able to read through the ink, and found that some units just vanished, where did they go? We don't have a clue, and it is too large to be a covert mission, so that must mean, that they were sent somewhere We are not suppose to know about." Mell explained.

Following to a small town newspaper with "Radiation confusions, US government yet to act" as a headline.

"I found this, it's from a small town in middle of no-where America, and they had to stop, there hasn't been a paper out of there for weeks." she pointed out.

"And now, we have a private meeting in the white house that had the CIA, The House and the Senate and the Military meeting at the same time! These people get along like sodium and water, but here they are! Being civil!!!" She shouted.

"And what does all of this have to do with anything?" the Editor asked.

Mell slapped the middle photo, that was a big question mark on a map, "What is here! It's something! But We don't have a clue of what it is!" (edited)

The Editor was just staring at Mell honestly worried, "Mell, you need some sleep, why dont you take some time off and once you are not acting like an online conspiracy theorist. Then we can talk this out." He says before leaving Mell who was staring as her boss leaves her chaos incarnate of an office.

Mell looked at her boss and nearly fell down, before she got an uber, and went home. She walked into her apartment and turned on the light.

"They got to my boss. I need to go higher. I need to get proof!" Mell said, before she collapsed onto her couch, asleep.

When Mell awoke, she got everything ready, she packed a bag with clothes, water, supplies. Called work asking for a short Vacation to focus on her health, got a bus ticket that was near by the place she wanted to go, and left.

It was nearly 2 days later when she got to the small town "Starkvale" She double checked the map on her phone, and got a motel room, where she charged her phone, and prepared, to try and sneak to the area that was "Unmarked".

The Local word around town was the military was quarantining the area due to the rediscovery of an undetonated nuclear bomb, and were disarming it, but why keep that secret? It was just a cover for something else. Walking at night along the road, until she noticed the tracks, and trail.

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