The Big MT P2

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"You sure you want to get your squad before you get all the needed tech?" Halazbin asked.

"Yes, I want to make sure everyone is safe." William said.

William had tracked one of his squad mate's signal to X-17. He walked the grounds of Big MT, sneaking by several robots, before reaching the door, and entering. 

"This place is is pretty big, they could be anywhere inside this place." Halazbin said.

"Quiet." William said, as he pulled out the dog gun, hearing a small bark, and moving towards the door.

He peered inside of the large room, and noticed the large device in the center. He also noticed a floating robot. It was a "Mister Handy" that was painted green, and had a plasma gun, a saw and a flame thrower nozzle on the arms. 

"Seems like the only one in here." Halazbin said.

Taking aim, the dog gun growled, as William squeezed the trigger, the gun fired, hitting one of the eyes. The robot turned, just in time to have the second of the three eyes to be shot.

"Intruders will be destroyed!" the robot shouted in a synthosized voice, sounding like a drill sergeant in some way.

A ball of plasma splashed against the wall near him, before William continued to fire at the the robot, shifting his aim down, trying to shoot the engine under the robot. There was a sudden ball of fire that formed from under the robot, before it fell down.

"Systems critical, battle is lost." the robot said, still trying to shoot William, even spraying his flame thrower at the soldier, who was well beyond range.

William fired a few more shots into the body, making the flame thrower stop and the arms dropped before he approached the robot. Examining the body, he read a name on the side. "Ironbelly". He side kicked the last eye stock, before seeing it was deactivated.

"This stuff must be Military Grade." Halazbin said.

"Military grade my ass. That thing probably has more money put into it than most of our rifles R&D. Probably used military specifications, well, maybe not the armor." William said, as he knocked a piece off with a side kick.

"This place is a nut house." William said. He carried the dog gun, patting the side, before he looked at the radio, showing it's source was very close by. As he looked around, the signal got stronger and stronger, before he reached a platform, where a woman sat in a chair, pressing buttons mindlessly. Suddenly the large machine activated, and it began to rain inside. William walked over and saw, it was a member of his squad.

The team's Heavy Gunner: Ava Lewis. She had her hair shaved off and a few scars, on her head. She was repeating the same actions, activating and deactivating the machine. Placing a hand on her, she looked at him, with dull empty eyes.

"Ava? Ava? Come on, anything?" William asked, tapping a hand on her cheek.

"She's got cobwebs in her head, nothings there." Halazbin said, sounding annoyed.

"Well, I guess I have to get you back to the Sink. But....what am I going to do then? How will I fix you?" He asked himself, looking at Ava.

"Maybe ask the brains, they might know." Halazbin asked.

He grabbed some wire, and wrapped it around her waist, before pulling her with him, heading towards the Sink. He sat her on the bed, and sat down in the other room. Holding his head he shook it, nervous and confused on what to do.

He took a deep breathe as he had an idea of what needed to be done, to figure out how to save her formed in his head.

He walked to the elevator shaft for the think tank, before entering. He looked at the group of crazies. Maybe Dala, she was the one who got his brain? Or....was it Boros? He shrugged, walking up to the brain in a jar with pink lights.

"Hey, I need to ask a few questions." William said.

"Oh, the teddy bear, what a surprise, what is it you want to discuss." The feminine voice spoke.

"Oh dear, now I wish I didn't have to hear this." Halazbin said.

"Look, I want to return my friend to normal, how do I make them go from mush brains to how I am?" William asked.

"The auto-doc may be able to make their mind return to them, however I doubt it will be of much use as it is." Dala said.

"Ok, so....I need to get that thing running." William said to himself.

"Before you go, please indulge me, face the monitor, saw a few phrases please." Dala said.

William, confused, did as requested, it did seem harmless.

"Soldier March on Johnny's home. Video killed the radio star. We'll all go down to Dixie." William said.

"How does it feel to have flesh, to control your lips and the tongue move, like a fish or extremely dexterous slug lolling around in your oral cavity." Dala said.

"I think you have some unresolved issues with a desire for a body." William said.

"What? No, that's preposterous." Dala said, almost in a panicked tone.

"When did you become a shrink?" Halazbin asked.

"I took psychology in college, thought it would be useful." William thought.

William smiled, before he intentionally stretched, pushing one arm back to stretch it a bit, while yawning.

"What are you, oh my." Dala said.

William then rolled his head around, on his shoulders, finishing by cracking his knuckles.

"Please, this is rather lewd of you." Dala said.

William then slowly blinked each eye one at a time, and scratched his nose.

Dala seemingly had enough, she now hovered lower to the ground, screens angled down slightly.

"Would you know where I may find the auto-doc's Information?" William asked.

"Y-17 may hold the records, that is where all auto docs were tested and improved upon them." Dala said, somewhat panting.

"I think you made her brain orgasm." Halazbin said.

William slapped his head as he went back up the elevator, to grab the dog gun, and go to where ever Y-17 was. It just happen, that had another squad mate there. Maybe Sergeant Gears was there, he hoped it was Gears.

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