Questioning: Khans, Followers, and Brotherhood

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A small break was conducted as a now 6th member of the committee was brought in from the American Indian Society who was now sitting on a now 6th seat, which for her was a shock when she saw the representative for the great khans. In a way he was much like her people of the past and already more then a few worrying questions were coming to her mind.

Markus walked in, he didn't really look very interested. He sat down, and placed his elbow, leaning his head on his closed fist.

"Hello sir, if you would speak your name into the microphone for the record please." the first interviewer asked

Markus with almost steeled face speaks, "Markus of the great khans."

"Who are the Great Khans?" the fifth interviewer asked.

Markus studied them until his eyes feel upon the 6th member, Keeping his eyes locked with her he spoke clearly as he could. "The Great Khans are a people who have known lose, who have suffered greatly by our oppressor's, and are proud that we have given said oppressor's a bloody nose. However we are also a people who has been given the short end of the stick and recently suffered a massacre which has almost broken my peoples will to live." He said never once taking his eyes off of the Native representative.

The third interviewer, rubbed his neck, and swallowed some air, nervously, before he asked, "Can you specify, who the Oppressor in the situation is?"

Markus simply stared at the committee and said "The NCR"

The Native member of the committee spoke up as she asks, "What did the NCR do to your people?" Already she was worried at how close the Khans and the Native americans were in terms of their past.

Markus looked to the side and up, thinking, before he moved his head from his hand, and began to list things, "Massacre, bounties on our heads, pushed us from our homes, Massacre, forced removal from our homes, relocation, massacre, armed observation, massacre, hunting us and repeated decades of harassment at the end of a gun." Markus said, as he held a finger up for each thing.

The 6th representative was honestly horrified on the inside, while on the outside she kept the stoic image of her people. 'Its so much worse then i thought, good lord this is even worse then what the white man did to my people! Let alone the entire Native American community!' Was what she thought, While on the outside everyone was sweating abit considering that their newest members history. They were gonna tread lightly around the subject of the questions asked.

The third interviewer, raised an eye brow, "What is the khans' history? What roles have they played in your history?"

"The Great Khans" Markus started "Came out of the same Vault as the people that would go on to found the NCR. Back in those days, back right after we came out of the Vault, it was survival of the fittest, the strong ruled and the weak followed in line; we took what we wanted and burned what we couldn't take, those were dark days for our people and we payed for it. With the almost complete wipe out of the Khans at the time, but some one survived and brought us back from the brink, only to allow us to fall into darkness once again, and once again we were forced to leave California, and settle in the New Vegas region, but some of the old guard could not leave the wounds of old alone. After reports came in of the NCR being in the region, they went and started to harass them once again, this lead to another massacre attempted, but this time with our new leader Papa Khan, we escaped more intact this time, we fled to a place called Red Rock Canyon, that is where we call home now."

The Native representative was having a total melt down inside her mind, 'ARE YOU FUCKING KIDING ME!? THEY ARE SO SIMILIAR TO US!' Still stoic on the outside which scared some of her fellow reps as they were preparing for any sort of remark or really anything that would cause them to cringe, hell the one black guy slide away from the one white girl who he was sitting close to, as she finally calm down on the inside and thought. 'After this i am going to make a few calls to make sure we do have a presence on the otherside.' Was all she declared within her head.

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