Big MT Mission Summery

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William Watts, placed in the interview chamber, his hands were cuffed to the table. William was still in the "Stealth Suit" that he spoke to, and had near him, the partially deconstructed, Cyber Dog Gun 9000, which had had the following modifications done; Firing pin removed, barrels removed, and munition holding rack removed.

William Watts E-4: "I guess they want to know everything that had occurred over the last few days when I was in Big Mountain."

William slightly turns his head: "With everything that has happened, It's going to be hard to explain, probably should start at the beginning."

The sound of a door is heard opening as a man walks in, wearing a suit with a pair of dark sunglasses that is reflective so as not to give anyone who sees him the color and shape of his eyes, sitting down in the chair directly in front of William as he sets down a file down on the table. Slowly opening the folder he starts reading the contents of it.

William Watts: I'm guessing that's my file? Or are you looking at the summary of my report?"

William (turned his head): "Here we go?"

Stealth Suit: "I will hide you if you want"

The man looks up and has an impassive face.

Man: I'm agent Johnson with Central Intelligence Sargent Watts. I've been sent to handle your debriefing of what transpired during the time frame for which you and your squad were MIA.

William Watts: Where would you like me to begin? When I woke up? Or......everything I can remember?"

Johnson leans forward as he seems to be staring right at William Watts.

Agent Johnson: The beginning Sargent.

William Watts: Well, I woke up in the central dome area. I was confused of everything that had occurred, but, I would go through, and find an elevator. I would find these brains in jars, the think tank, bunch of the surviving scientists, they told me to gather tech and well, I did, and went to fight another brain in a jar, Mobius. Turns out, the guy is as about as senile as an old man, and made a bunch of robot scorpions to threaten the think tank. Long story short, I made a deal, got my brain back and found my squad."

The agent nods before flipping the folder and looks at the reports.

Agent Johnson: It says here in the report you had help. However aside from yourself and your squad mates. Their was no one else with you.

William Watts: "Oh, I had Halazbin, he helped keep me sane. I also had Fido here, later on the Suit. They kept me sane, someone to talk with. The brains.....they were a bunch of crazies, Dala....she is....weird, I think she misses her body. 0, and I mean Zero, he's a bit dumb. Borus and Klein, Egotists. 8....I don't know, never understood him."

William (turned to the side): "It took a few times to get the bodies right, took a few tries....Ava didn't like being Richard. Konnan sure like being Ava though."

Agent Johnson: I see, and who is Halazbin?

William Watts: "He's a voice I kept hearing, still debating if he is a voice in my head, or was a signal the brain I had, a bunch of tesla coils that were crammed into my head, and connected to my brain that was in the forbidden zone. I'm not sure what to make of it though."

Stealth Suit: "User liked to talk with himself a lot, he argued sometimes too."

Halazbin: Aww Come on Willy, you know I'm real after all if I wasn't you wouldn't have survived.

The agent gave William a stare before pulling out another paper from the folder.

Agent Johnson: And how did you get the gun and suit?

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