Peace to the People (fixed/extended)

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Sebastian Wells, along with his squad rolled tires onto the mines and caused them to detonate, before crossing over to the eastern side of the town. Sebastian, Sophia and Ethan walked cross, with Mark and Leon following a dozen steps behind them. They had been given some extra ammo, some C-4, and a few grenades from the NCR soldiers. They walked slowly, hiding behind a large building that was a gas station or something, and had 2 go around the row of buildings, and see if they can see any possible threats. As the group took cover behind the buildings, Ethan noticed a shake. Ethan ran over, taking cover, before looking down his scope, and scanned a large roller coaster, before seeing a man walking the path.

"I got one....looks hostile." Ethan said.

"Take him out." Sebastian ordered.

Ethan took the aim, calculating the distance with his range finder, before he adjusted his aim, and the bullet flew from the rifle, and towards the man's head, before piercing the skull, and killing the man instantly. The sound however attracted the attention of two people that were outside the building.

"Coaster clear." Ethan said, looking down, seeing the two moving closer, slowly.

"We got two, a breach shot gun, and pistol, 9mm." Leon said.

"Roger, take them out." Sebastian said, as he had his squad move around side the building. The two threats were taken down, before they reached the entrance of the large building. The team stacked up, and entered the building, seeing dozens of armed people, walking around the casino like building.

"Hold up. We don't mean any trouble. But...who are you lot? You don't look like the NCR." an old man said.

Everyone stood down and Sebastian walked forward.

"We are hoping to clear this place out of threats, I'm guessing you are the residence of the town?" He asked.

"Yep, I'm Johnson Nash. This is the Vicky and Vance Casino and Museum. Across the road is the Bison Steve Hotel. The Convicts from the NCRCF made their base there. We saw Deputy Beagle get taken in there." Johnson Nash said.

"Thanks for the info, We can deal with the convicts. Here, you may need one of these." Nash said, holding out a few needles with gauges on them.

Sabastian looked at them, before putting them on his belt. He and his squad walked out and moved towards the Bison Steve hotel, before quietly opening the door, and taking down the first threat quickly. A second rushed in, also getting a clean shot in the chest, killing him. Mark and Leon dragged the bodies back, tagging them. The group moved forward into a large lobby area, before they approached a split hall way, leading to a much taller and open hall.

Mark was opened the side door and moved down a long hall, before he spotted a man walking buy. Sebastian, Ethan, Sophia and Ethan stacked up on the door, preparing to take down hostiles. The soldiers took aim, and each fired 3 rounds, killing the convicts, one dropped a large object that thunked and fuel sloshed around inside of it. The soldiers moved into the large room, before entering a kitchen, seeing a man with white hair, gagged, and hands bound behind his back.

Mark reached the hall, before seeing the convict aiming at Ethan. Mark tackled him to the ground, pinning his arms down, before Ethan and Leon rushed over, securing the captured convict.

"Holy shit, this is like a flame thrower." Mark said, picking it up.

Sebastian walked over to the tied up man. Crouching down, he removed the gag.

"Deputy Beagle?" He asked.

"I am, who are you?" the deputy asked, shaking his head.

"Sebastian Wells, US military, we're here to get you out of here." Sebastian explained.

"Well, thanks for aiding my daring escape, but I can handle it from here." He said, as he explained, shaking his arms, trying to break free of the ropes, but realized, his feet were also bound.

"Mind cutting me free?" The deputy asked.

Sebastian drew his knife, cutting the ropes around his wrists, then the ones around his ankle.

"Well, now all we need to do is bring law back to Primm." Beagle said.

"Oh, we are the law, don't worry, we just will have some troops placed in the Bison Steve, after securing and making it known, keep an eye on, a forward operating base, I guess you could say." Sebastian explained.

"Then what about me?" the deputy asked.

"You can stay a deputy, or you can be a civilian. But the town itself will be protected by the US military." Sebastian said.

Beagle got up, rubbing his wrists. "Well, if I was to give some advice, I believe that we will need someone as sheriff." Beagle said.

Grabbing the captive, tying him with the rope that held Beagle, he was dragged to the door, and carried away, towards the NCR lines. Ethan and Sophie tagged the bodies, with Mark keeping an eye on the prisoner. Sebastian walked to the Humvee and got on the Radio.

"Recon to HQ how copy over?" Sebastian asked.

"Copy clear. Send transmission. Over."

"Location Primm has been reached. NCR forces have been encountered on West side of town. East side had 3 hostiles outside, with additional 6 inside. We have 5 dead Does, one captive, "NCRCF" logo, further investigation can be conducted. We are requesting forces to be deployed to Town, large structure can be used as local base. Over."

"Understood recon. Deployment of Company 4 will be done. Any travel advice, over?"

"Bottle caps are a currency used. Bring body bags, south of town is a structure, body of zombie is located there, have biohazard gear used. Pass along to command. Over and out." Sebastian explained.

"Understood recon. Over and out."

Sebastian walked back across, before he looked at the Mojave Express building. Upon entering, he found a robot of some sort just on the counter. Examine it, Sebastian shrugged, before looking at a note on it. "Needed, scrap metal, 3 plates for bullet holes. 2 sensor modules, 1 nav sensor damaged, 1 propulsion sensor damaged. Replacement wiring. Heavy piece of junk, best take to Gibson's scrap yard, good price for scrap there."

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